Angron, Daemon Primarch: Conversion Corner

Angron, the World Eater Daemon PrimarchWhen you think of the forces of Chaos you probably think of massive amounts of daemons and you wouldn’t be wrong!

Come see one sick model brought to us by Spikey Bits Email Submitter Joseph Metais.

Here is my new last project, to represent Angron, the World Eater Daemon Primarch.

Angron, the World Eater Daemon Primarch

When you are a Daemon Primarch you can have whatever weapons your heart desires.

Angron, the World Eater Daemon Primarch

This guy just wanted a giant killer blade to take out his enemies.

Angron, the World Eater Daemon Primarch

“I will cut down all who are loyal to the false Emperor!”

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