Another Primaris Space Marine Unit Hidden in Plain Sight?

primaris space marine wal

A new kind of Primaris Space Marine unit might be hiding in plain sight! Check out what was mentioned in the latest codex supplement and see for yourself.

Looking toward the new Space Marine codex deep within the fluff pages of the book, a certain kind of unit was mentioned. While there aren’t any data sheets or pictures of a model, it’s got us scratching our heads. Take a closer look at what was spotted on Bolter and Chainsword.

New Primaris Unit Mentioned in The Codex

Coming from Coldyre on B&C, he dropped a snapshot of a part of the codex:

sm codex

In reference to the Ultramarines, this piece of the story is talking about a company of fighters that get cycled through different Primaris classes. Some being the one’s we’ve seen on the tabletop (i.e Eliminators, Hellblasters, Incursors, and Inceptors. However, the Hellfury was mentioned and we’ve never seen any mention of it before except here. So that begs the question, what could it be?

deathwatch aggressors

Looking at the name alone, it’s fairly close to the Hellblasters which carry huge shoulder-fired plasma guns. And GW wouldn’t make the same unit twice. So with that said, maybe these Hellfuries are Gravis units decked out with plasma. Or maybe even regular Primaris models with two plasma pistols. The sky is the limit for guesses on this one.

space marine melta

Others in the community think that it could be a Primaris melta-based unit that we will eventually see.  This would also make sense as we’ve seen just about every kind of weapon Space Marines get added onto the Primaris army in some form or fashion. Barring melta and grav.

Since everything we have to go off of came from a single mention out of the new Space Marine codex, there’s not a lot of solid ground to stand on. However, at least this kind of unit was mentioned by GW and not some random source! With that said, we’ll have to be patient and keep our eyes peeled in the months ahead to see if the Hellfury ever makes a debut on the shelves.

What are your thoughts on a melta-based Primaris unit? Do you think that’s what the Primaris need most? Would you like to see more Gravis armor-type units instead? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!