Another Space Marine List That Took The 40k Meta By Surprise


Space Marines might have been in a rough spot at the start of 8th edition, but it looks like they’ve got more than one way to pull out a win these days!

We’ll be looking at an Ultramarines list that used all kinds of units we didn’t expect. This list plays completely outside of the meta and even managed to come out undefeated at a tournament!

Throne of War: Space Marines- Fred Fortman

WoT Blitz Tank Ultramarines Wal Hor

We’ve covered this list in a larger post of undefeated armies, but this deserves a post on its own.

throne of war

shadowspear primaris 3

This list didn’t care for CP at all. It only ran off of 5CP all game with two Spearheads and a Super Heavy Auxiliary detachment. This 2,000 pt list had a grand total of twenty-three models and managed to go undefeated against all other competitive meta-lists including horde armies like Orks, GSC, and Tyranids. But here’s a few reasons on why this list is so great:

  • Everyone is taking a Battalion these days and this player said Screw That.
  • The list ran three predators which can be effective with the Kill Shot strat.
  • The list ran the Shadowspear Eliminators which is the first time we’ve seen an army place first with them.
  • It also used two Techmarines which have been regarded as one of the slowest/worst HQ options to run.

ultramarine drawing

All in all, this entire list is just one big statement that says “Hey, yeah, I don’t like the “meta” units so I’m going to run what I want to and still wipe you off the table”.  

The Predator Stratagem called Kill Shot is fragile but brutal. If one Predator goes, the Stratagem can’t be used anymore. But Robbie G was there to help with all the rerolls the player would ever need. For character killing, the Eliminators could pop the head of any key HQ like Crypteks and Captains. Finally, for the lists that ran a lot of bodies, two Repulsors with all the dakka stayed closeby to repel any potential charges.

This Ultramarine “Sleeper” List Took BAO By Surprise

rumor engine primarisUltramarines are at the top of the charts right now, but one list has been doing well all year. Check out what was spotted at BAO! Read More

If you’re playing a 40k army, sometimes it’s worth it to take what you want to take, or maybe some of the things nobody else is using. As it turns out, there’s a lot out there that’s totally viable. It just has to be discovered first. Great job with this list building and for reaching beyond the norms of 40k lists! Let us know what you think about this army composition in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.