Another Wild New Rumor Appears From Games Workshop!

gw store rumor engine

Come see the latest new teaser image from Nottingham. It’s Wednesday and that means a wild new rumor has appeared!

Hot on the heels of lasts weeks image of what may be a future release, GW just dropped this photo on us. Now of course they seem to want to see some WILD NEW SPECULATION on the part of the community.

So help us help them:

Source Warhammer Community

Rumor Engine Art

That’s obviously a Bloodthirtster, but what is he about to tear apart? Could that be something Dwarf related? No matter what, this does look oddly familiar… Maybe the first ever Rumor Engine pic?

Oh hey there. We bet the word ‘rumour’ is what drew you to this article. It would have grabbed our attention too. Speculating wildly about future releases is an essential part of the Warhammer hobby*. To nudge things along a little, we snuck into the Design Studio and snapped a photo of something that’s coming next year. Unfortunately, photography is not our strong suit…


See you next week for another game of ‘What am I looking at?!

cartoon ear whisper rumor

Rumor Engine Picture Latest

What do YOU think this may be?