AoS, Marbo, Adeptus Titanicus & More LATEST

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Yet another amazing weekend has come and gone, with a lot of news related to the hobby. Don’t miss the latest rumors, updates, and new releases.

So many new release were revealed for the hobby it was hard to keep up this holiday. So enjoy our recap on the all the holiday coverage you may have missed!

GW: New Year’s Open Day Tickets On Sale!

Ultramarine Wal HorTickets for the 2018 New Year’s Open Day just went on sale on Forge World. Come find out what you can expect to see during the event.

Save $$$ Till Christmas on a New Warlord Titan

Warlord Titan H&SForge World just revealed a new bundle for the Warlord Titan, and we’re going to break it down to show you just how much you can save.

Smite NERFED: 40k FAQ & Beta Rules Updates by GW

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Games Workshop is changing up the releases of major FAQ’s, vs Erratas, and Chapter Approved. Plus rolling out BETA changes to Warhammer 40k 8th Edition

BREAKING: Sly Marbo Only Available For 1 Day!

catachans - CopySly Marbo will be returning soon, but he’s not going to last long as it’s only for one day in 2017!  Come find out when you’ll be able to get yours.

New Sly Marbo Release Rumor Latest

Imperial Guard Catachan Wal Hor

Sly Marbo will be returning soon, but where and when will you be able to get you hands on him has been a little unclear… Come see the latest.

Black Library’s Fantastic Christmas Bundles Lineup

Primarchs heresy

The newest titles from The Black Library is now available for pre-order. Let’s dive right in and see what’s new this week on the lore side of things!

New AoS Malign Portents Preview SPOTTED

Malign Portents The Ship

Games Workshop just gave us more clues as to what the Malign Portents is going to bring with it for Age of Sigmar. Come check it out.

Reddit AMA Reveals Adeptus Titanicus Update

titanicus hor walThere’s another ‘ask me anything’ that took place recently and we got the first update on Adeptus Titanicus that we’ve seen in awhile. Come check it out!

Wow so much happened, did you blink and miss it? We’re seeing new releases from Black Library, a new Titan bundle on Forge World, new rumors that Sly Marbo will be available Q1 2018, Smite got nerfed in the latest beta rule, AoS got another Malign Portents teaser, and we got some insight on what is holding up the Adeptus Titanicus release.

Make sure you go back and check out all the things you may have missed from the weekend.

santa kharn

Latest News & Rumors from Games Workshop