Top 5 Hordes Armies in 9th Edition 40k

top-5-marines-wal-horToday we take a look at the top 5 hordes armies in 9th Edition Warhammer 40k, and one of these surprised even us!

The real question is, are hordes still playable in 9th edition 40k? Well, that’s what we’re on a quest to find out!

Join us today we look at the efficiency of horde armies and if you can still run them without fear of losing every game! You can watch the video below for the full breakdown or see our top five points below. Check it out.

Top 5 Hordes Armies in 9th Edition 40k

It seems like Horde armies have lost touch in 9th Edition. It makes sense, as the initial rules all seem to play against them:

  • The overall point hike per models.
  • Better Blast weapons versus large units
  • New rule to tighten unit coherency in large units

This is pretty much all the reasons you took hordes before: cheap, resilient, and massive board control.  All smashed to smithereens.  But all is not lost, according to Austin, it just means hordes are different. So, which Armies are still Horde-able? A-Dawg’s Top Dogs – is going to break it down which armies still do well when ran as a horde style.

5- Astra Militarum

Cadian TroopsThe poster boys of Horde army, the Imperial Guard stands at number 5.

You can easily run 120 plus models, and those models can be powered up using orders, making them actually useful.  Back this up with a plethora of hard-hitting tanks and/or my personal favorite, the Bullgryns, and you got yourself a party!

4- Orks

Ork Feature rThe Green Tide, another classic horde army. Orks are probably the most changed army with 9th edition:  what you were playing before is not working anymore.

But don’t let this fool you, large Ork units are nothing to pass on, and are still cheap enough to allow you to add in the great support units like the new Buggies and the Big Guns.

Just don’t let that Heffelfinger guy lure you into a Stompa…

3- Chaos Daemons

horrors heralds hors deamonOf course, the easy route here is the Nurglings, but that’s not really the horde we are looking at.  Instead, try something like 30 splitting Pink Horrors or 80 Daemonettes.

These are units with actual power, not just space fillers and bucket of dice hoping for 6s ( well, they do that too… ), but also, Hordes with Invulnerable Saves.

2- Tyranids

tyranids wal horAnother timeless horde classic, the space bugs are still a force to be reckoned with.

While their book is not the most powerful, what they have working for them really works. Like, REALLY works.  And those units usually have a hefty 60+ Termagants as their core.

Termagants is the horde unit of choice right now, but Hormagants are still a viable choice, just like a large unit of Genestealer. But Termagants is really where the horde’s at.

1- Necrons

necron warrior boxWait, what? New-crons are Austin’s horde of choice, with the ability to easily take 100 warriors with plenty of points left to take some of the space robots’ specialty units.

Necron Warriors pack a lot of firepower, can be buffed up by a supporting cast of cheap characters, and are incredibly resilient.  There are also quite a few We’ll Be Back tricks you can pull to add to the effectiveness of the unit, both in terms of resilience and board control.

A-Dawg’s Top Dogs is a regular segment in The Mismatched Play, a Weekly Warhammer 40K Talk Show.  Catch it live on Twitch every Tuesday, or watch it on replay on YouTube anytime.

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