Just two days to go till the Gladiator Tourney at Adepticon for some fun times and good battles. I just finalized my list and I have to say I’m pretty happy with it. I’m not taking any Super-Heavies, but I think I have plenty of firepower to deal with them- ten Lascannons, and 2 Maticores to be exact.
I’m using my Ork Looted Guard for both the Gladiator and the Championships. So if you see me there be sure to say hi!
The plan is still the same as my test game bat rep, use the INF platoon to screen, envelope or divert incoming threats to the tank line, and pour out fire against the rest of the enemy. In theory is sounds pretty good, but who knows what the missions will be like. If I’m lucky I’ll be able to set up my battle-line, and go first most of the time. That’s all anyone can really ask for I suppose.
Here is my list, revised down to 2250.
2250 Gladiator
HQ: Company Command Squad (185 pts)
Plasmagun x2; Lascannon, Astropath, Chimera- HF
Elite: Inquisitor (60 pts)
Psychic Hood; Hierophant Mystic Mystic
Elite: Psyker Battle Squad ( 155 pts)
8 Psykers, Chimera- HF
Troops: Veteran Squad ( 155 pts)
Meltagun x3, Chimera- HF
Troops: Veteran Squad (175 pts)
Plasmagun x2; Lascannon Chimera- HF
Troops: Veteran Squad (175 pts)
Plasmagun x2; Lascannon Chimera- HF
Troops: Veteran Squad (185 pts)
Shotgun x6; Meltagun x3; Demolitions, Chimera- HF
Troops: Veteran Squad (11#, 165 pts)
Shotgun x5; Meltagun x2; Lascannon Chimera- HF
Troops: Infantry Platoon (265 pts)
1 Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad
Infantry Squad Commissar
Infantry Squad
Infantry Squad
Infantry Squad
Heavy Support: Manticore Rocket Launcher (160 pts)
Heavy Support: Manticore Rocket Launcher (160 pts)
Heavy Support: Hydra Flak Tank Battery (150 pts)
2 Hydra Flak Tanks
Fast Attack: Vendetta Gunship Squadron (130 pts)
Fast Attack: Vendetta Gunship Squadron (130 pts)