Army Builder’s Back with 6th Edition & Allies!

By Rob Baer | September 13th, 2012 | Categories: Product Review, Warhammer 40k News

That’s right, Army Builder is back!

Hot off their scuffle with Games Workshop about storing game data on their servers, Army Builder is back and updated with Sixth Edition goodies!

So what does that mean for us? Well the files are only available via automatic update, which does require the most recent version of Army Builder (3.3ish I think).

You just have to do some quick configuring to point the Army Builder updater to the right spot, but after that it’s all downhill!

Check out all the details over on the AB maintainers site here.

I really like how they set up selecting Allies, as they broke them down by Category, so you know whether is a particular combination may be worth taking or not.

They also added in Hull Points, as well as a check-box for marking your army’s “Warlord”, and even a little tool for your counts as power weapons!

Kudos to the Maintainers! -MBG