Army Showcase: Lords of the Night 18th Battle Company

Last August I was able to get some pics of Dan Johnson’s Amazing True Scale Night Lords army while we were all at the last Games Day in Baltimore.

Unfortunately the light in the hotel was kinda crap and they didn’t turn out the best. Eventually he made his way by the store for a weekend, and I got better pics.

Below is some of his work, and as you look at it, try to spot all the very subtle conversions in there (not even counting the true scale conversions themselves).  There are almost so many I lost track myself. 
Dan won the first Games Day Armies on Parade contest, and rightfully so, these guys rock!

If you would like to see more of Dan’s work, head over to his thread on Bolter and Chainsword. -MBG

Don’t forget, We do sell bits for less! Over at the Spikey Bits Online Storeall bits are 20% OFF.  Just type the code Bits20OFF in the promotion code field when you check out and BAM! bits on the cheap!