Army Specific Foam Inserts from Battle Foam

Foam Inserts Feature rBattle Foam has a bunch of great army specific foam inserts for some of the newest and most popular armies out there!

Tired of cutting out foam inserts to fit your favorite minis? Battle Foam has you covered! They have some amazing army specific inserts that fit perfectly with the most popular minis! They have precut inserts for Necrons, Sons of Behemat, Space Marines, Lumineth Realm Lords, and many more.

Their inserts are extremely well made and make transporting minis easy. Stop trying to make your own butchered inserts and grab some of these! Let’s check them out.

Army Specific Foam Inserts – Necrons:

Necron Foam CarrierThey have everything from the Monolith inserts to the Indomitus starter set! Everything is already perfectly sized and makes it so much easier to keep your minis safe. They are also sold separately, so if you just need to keep a Monolith safe, you can. If you love Battle Foam, check out what else they have going on!

Sons of Behemat Inserts:

Sons of Behemat HolderIf you are spending the money on these, you better be ready to keep them safe! These take all the guesswork out of it, better safe than sorry with such giant minis. They even have specific inserts for each type of variant, pretty awesome.

Lumineth Realm Lords Inserts:

Lumineth Realm lord TraysTo say these are some strangely shaped minis would be an understatement! Cutting out well-fitting inserts would be extremely hard, so why even go through the trouble? Just like with all the other inserts, they have almost the whole line covered.

Primaris Marines:

Primaris FoamWhy not get a case for all those new pretty Marines? They have inserts for all the different sized marines, including Outriders, ATV’s, Bunkers, etc… Basically, anything you can buy, they have an insert for!

That does it for this one! If you need some great fitting cases, you have to check these out!

Get Your Army Specific Foam Inserts Here!