Affordable Eldar Miniatures Alternatives from Artel W

artel W starborn ancientsIf you’re looking for some affordable alternatives to Eldar miniatures, then you really need to check out everything Artel W has to offer!

The hobby maniacs at Artel W are always coming out with some of the coolest minis on the market! They really have a great catalog of minis already and are always expanding their line.

This time around they are taking it back to the Craftworlds with all kinds of really cool minis dubbed the Starborn Ancients. They will make really fun characters in tons of RPGs, but obviously, our focus is on how they will work in the Grimdark. But even if you don’t have an idea for them right now, they make amazing display pieces regardless.

Let’s dive into these cool Artel W alternative Eldar miniatures, and at the bottom, we’ll also have some unboxings for you to see how they really look in hand!

EDITOR’S NOTE: As of right now there are no sanctions in place against ordering from Russia, and the Russian post is still operating.

Keep in mind that the views and actions of the Russian Government do not reflect the views of manufacturers such as Artel W.

Warchanters Choir: $44.99

WarchantersWhile you can buy these on their own, might as well grab the set of five and be set for a long time! For the price, you’re going to be hard-pressed to find better minis at a better price. Since Artel W has so many incredible minis, why not go check out what else they have going on?

Warchanters 2


Warchanters 3Here’s everything you get in the kit:

The forces they resort to will always be “the vile witchcraft of abominable aliens” for Humankind. But Starborn Ancients see and use them as natural effects of Stars and Void, that cannot be distorted by Abyss but can be governed by a trained mind and a strong will. Warchanters have it all to apply these forces in combat. Just one of these warriors is capable of turning the tide of events by casting mighty battle spells, hiding allies from adversaries and even tampering with the flow of time. But nothing can be as horrible as seeing the whole Warchanters Choir on the battlefield, for their combined power thrills worlds.

  • Consists of 101 parts for 5 Warchanters.
  • Sculpted by Stepan Kotlyarov.

Warchanter Valiorae, The Sage of Loss: $16.19

Warchanters 4


Warchanters 5As we said, you can grab all the minis from the above set separately, and they are all just so awesome! Here’s more about this set:

  • Sculpted by Stepan Kotlyarov
  • The kit сonsists of 17 parts, including options: 3 heads (male, female and helmeted), male and female torso, sword or spear for the right hand, optional backpack
  • Scale: 28mm.
  • Size: 35 mm from the feet to the eyes; 64 mm total
  • Material: high-quality resin.

Xothiel, The Star Rider: $16.19

Warchanters 6


Warchanters 7Who doesn’t want a Star Rider in their army? We sure do and again, just so much cooler than the other minis out there for this role. Here’s everything about the kit:

  • Sculpted by Stepan Kotlyarov
  • The kit сonsists of 23 parts, including options: 3 heads (male, female and helmeted), male and female torso, sword or spear for the right hand, an optional backpack, optional spells
  • Scale: 28mm.
  • Size: 30 mm from the feet to the eyes; 48 mm total
  • Material: high-quality resin.

Spectral Spinners Squad: $49.99

Spectral Spinners


Spectral Spinners 2If you ask us, these just blow the original minis out of the water! The posing, detail, and sculpts are just so sweet. You also grab a ton of bits and since they are multi-part, you have tons of posing options. They also get cheaper the more you buy, and you can just add on the bits as well to convert some stuff from your current army.

Here’s everything you get in the kit:

  • Consists of 46 parts for five Spectral Spinners Warriors and one Squad Leader (you can choose the option for 10 warriors+1 Leader), including optional torsos and weapons for the Leader. There are 2 Males and 3 Females warriors in the squad, Leader can be assembled as Male or Females.
  • Sculpted by Artel W`s sculpting team
    Scale: 28mm.
    Average Size: about 37mm.
    Material: high-quality resin.

Spectral Spinner Prime: $21.99

Spectral Spinners prime


Spectral Spinners prime 2This mini is literally flying out of a Space Marine, just how cool is that? If you love Space Marines too much, you can also just model this on the pillar and not killing the Marine. 

Here’s everything you get in the kit:

  • Consists of 25 parts, including optional weapons, male and female torso, optional portal and telefrag victim.
  • Sculpted by Stepan Kotlyarov.
  • Scale: 28mm.
  • Size: 34 mm from the feet to the eyes; 60 mm total.
  • Material: high-quality resin.

Spectral Spinner Squad Leader: $14.99

Spectral Spinners sqaud Leader


Spectral Spinners sqaud Leader 2Maybe you just want the leader of your current Warp Spiders to stand out, or just need one more for your new minis.

Here’s everything you get in this kit:

  • Consists of 11 parts, including optional weapons, male and female torso.
  • Sculpted by Artel W`s sculpting team
  • Scale: 28mm.
  • Size: 29mm from the feet to the eyes; 34mm total.
  • Material: high-quality resin.

Flaming Drake Prime: $18.89

Flaming Drake Prime From Artel W Miniatures


Flaming Drake Prime From Artel W Miniatures


Flaming Drake Prime From Artel W Miniatures


Flaming Drake Prime From Artel W Miniatures


Flaming Drake Prime From Artel W Miniatures

  • Collection: Starborn Ancients
  • “I am Wrath! I am Fire! I am Death!” – this is warcry of supreme leader of Flaming Drakes warrior`s cult of Starborn Ancients. As their Prime, he`s living (and immortal) incarnate of cult`s basic principle – total annihilation of all threats to the existence of Starborn Ancients.

The Seeress: $18.99

Artel W


Artel W


Artel W


Artel W

Seers are both spiritual and political leaders of Starborn Ancients. It takes thousands of years of training, meditations and practice to earn such a title. The y capable to utilize the energy of the Void and Stars to the unimaginable powers, including presage of possible futures and deadly “battle-spells”.

Miniature for wargames, collecting and roleplaying.

Shadow Hunters Squad: $49.99


Artel W Miniatures


  • Silent. Invisible. Mercyless. Brutal. They coming from the shadows to hunt enemies of Starborn Ancients – and they taking trophies. Pray to not become their prey… or your death will be horrible.
  • Set of мiniatures for wargames, collecting, and roleplay. Consists of five Shadow Hunters Warriors and one Squad Leader, including optional weapons for the leader.
  • Sculpted by Stepan Kotlyarov.
  • Scale: 28mm.
    Average Size: about 34mm from the feet to the eyes;
    Material: high-quality resin.
  • Miniatures is unpainted, unassembled, 25mm bases included.

Revenants Squad: $30.00 – $42.00Revenants Squad

Starborn Ancients – elder and sophisticated race, which ruled the Galaxy once, long before the rise of Humankind. Revenants – one of the most fearsome of their Warriors Cults. Armed with deadly heavy weapons they are ready to bring destruction of epic scale on the foes of Ancients.

Check out the videos above to see how awesome they look in person!

Click Here To Get Your Eldar Alternatives!