ATC 2018 Top Chaos Armies On Parade

By Tim Roberts | July 14th, 2018 | Categories: ATCs, Warhammer 40k News

Come and get a look at the top Chaos armies fielded by players from across the country at the 40k American Team Championship for 2018.

Here we are again in the beautiful hills of Tennessee at the 2018 American Team Championships.  With 74 five-player teams, in attendance, the 2018 ATC’s is one of the biggest team events for Warhammer 40k.

Field of Fire Gaming gave us a great breakdown of all the army factions that have been submitted to the event and boy does it look way different than 2017’s selections!  With the drop of Chapter Approved and the boat-load of FAQs we’ve been through, this year’s army roster looks almost totally different to last year’s.

Let’s take a look at our picks for the top Chaos armies this year.

ATC 2018 Top Chaos Armies On Parade

This Death Guard Force has all the big guns it needs to spread the blessing of Papa Nurgle to the entire field at this year’s team tournament.

Tzench armies are always adapting to find new ways to overcome their enemies but, one thing never changes Magnus is a beast on the tabletop.

This host of Daemons has a little bit of everything. Versatility is a great way to handle any opponent that dares to come your way!

Here you get to see all the Chaos big boys in action with some Brimstone Horrors to take a little heat off of the Chaos bosses and put it on their foes.

Chaos Marines and a host of Daemons is one of the most deadly sites on the battlefield. but just like the players at this years ATC’s, they must work together to come out victorious in the end.

These Chaos armies are ready to prove their loyalty at ATC. Make sure to check out all of our coverage of the American Team Championship past and present.