ATC Armies on Parade: The Triple Threat Trio

By Wesley Floyd | September 6th, 2018 | Categories: Armies on Parade, Army Showcase, Warhammer 40k News

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Three of the biggest names in Chaos showed up at the ATC and despite worshipping different gods, they worked together. Take a look at this beautiful list!

With the Warhammer ATC now over and roughly 400 people that showed up, there were a ton of factions to snap pics of. Grab a seat and sit back as we look at some of the armies that stood out.

ATC Armies on Parade: The Triple Threatatc triple threat

Talk about plot armor. This list brought two Daemon Primarchs, Rotigus, two Daemon Princes, Ahriman, and a Sorcerer. This list lacks the heavy-hitting firepower from tanks but you don’t need artillery when you’ve got smite spam! Plus, Magnus is THE mortal wound engine.

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Rotigus and the other Daemon Primarchs might be too big to hide behind Brimstone Horrors but the daemon Princes had no problem hanging back until they got close enough to get into combat.


Magnus was in charge of Spirit-bombing the key targets while Rotigus soaked up the hate with his fatty-goodness. Mortarion and the Daemon Princes would charge the heavy hitters and force the enemy to deal with them. Meanwhile, Magnus was still smiting away. (By the way, Magnus did nothing wrong).

The detailing of the models in this list is stunning. The colors pop and the paint job is crisp! This hobbyist definitely took a long time putting in work for this army. The display board even matches perfectly with the Brimstone Horror’s models.  Great job!

All in all, the ATC was a huge success as the Warhammer Community came together in one place to do battle and hobby! Congratulations to the winners and all of the owners of their beautiful armies. If you missed the ATC this year, don’t worry. The 2019 ATC will be in full swing next year so take this time to get your armies in tip-top shape.


More coverage on the Warhammer 2018 ATC