August AoS & Necromunda Pre-Order Lineup

By Rob Baer | August 6th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

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The Underhives of Necromunda come alive this week along with new Age of Sigmar releases this week. Come see the latest pricing and more.

Necromunda fans rejoice! The pre-orders for Gang Wars 4 are finally here! Check out all the new Necromunda goodies and even More Soul Wars releases.

House Cawdor Collection: $67.50
House Cawdor Collection

A bundle for the Cawdor collector, this nets you a set of Cawdor miniatures, their Gang Cards and a set of dice to use in games of Necromunda: Underhive in one click

Cawdor Gang: $40

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Cawdor Gang

– 10 bodies – 2 each of 5 unique designs –covered in the recovered detritus they deem worthy of the Emperor, with candles, ritual bindings and nooses (!) featuring heavily. These have been designed with specific weapon options in mind, though of course you are free to model them as you see fit;
– 12 heads – 2 each of 6 unique designs – with a similar selection of recycled equipment;
– Weapons! There are quite a lot of these: 2 incendiary charges, 2 flails, 4 skin knives, 2 serrated blades, 4 autopistols, 4 stubbers, 4 autoguns, 2 cult icons, 2 polearms (with attached autogun), 2 heavy crossbows, 2 hand flamers and 2 more polearms (these each feature a blunderbuss lashed to the end).

Supplied with 10 25mm Round bases, which feature sculpted textures that match the game board’s aesthetic.

Necromunda: Gang War 4: $30

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Necromunda Gang War 4

Note: a copy of the Necromunda: Underhive boxed game is required to use this supplement.

The rules included with the Necromunda: Underhive boxed game cover battles between Houses Escher and Goliath – these are not the only Houses vying for supremacy of the underhives. Necromunda: Gang War 4 introduces House Cawdor; a vast empire built on unshakeable faith in the Cult of Redemption (and the discarded scraps from other clans). Along with this, the book expands upon the rules for Brutes found in Gang War 3, and introduces The Dominion Campaign – an entirely new territory-based campaign system.

Liekeron the Executioner: $25

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Liekeron the Executioner

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble Liekeron the Executioner, a Nighthaunt Lord-Executioner. Looming large over a ruined headstone, Liekeron is depicted as a sinister, hunched spirit, half corporeal and half ethereal, whose skull-like face is picked out beneath a ragged cowl. He holds a well-used decapitating greataxe in his right hand, notched and worn by constant use; his left hand can be modelled clutching a grave-sand filled hourglass, or alternately pointing toward his next victim. Around him whirl 3 furious spirits, the shrieking ghosts of innocents wrongly murdered by the Executioner in life, bound to him forever.

This kit comes as 8 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round base.

Bladegheist Revenants:

Get yours for less from Miniature Market

Bladegheist Revenants

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 10 Bladegheist Revenants. Eternally tormented spirits, they are clad in tattered cloaks which fade away into ethereal elements, appropriate to the panicked, frantic fighting style they exemplify. Each is posed swooping and jinking unpredictably; the chains that bind them to Shyish are swinging wildly about their forms. Within the cloaks, metallic face masks peer out – there are 10 of these included, each a different design, which can be modelled on any cloak assembly you desire. There are 10 tomb greatblades included, each of which is slightly different.

This kit comes as 43 components, and is supplied with 10 32mm Round bases.

Dreadscythe Harridans: $45

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Dreadscythe Harridans

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 10 Dreadscythe Harridans. Particularly horrible and tragic even for Nighthaunt, They are tortured and twisted forms, rising as ethereal spirits whose emaciated arms peek out from beneath their cowls. These arms are their weapons – from the wrist onward, each becomes a curved, serrated scythe blade, growing out at a right-angle for maximum reaping efficiency. Each features a morbid, grinning skull for a head, above which long hair billows behind them, with beautiful roses ironically entwined. 4 of these models feature an alternate right arm, allowing for some uniqueness when assembling, and you have the option to build 2 Slasher Crones – these are the unit leaders of the Dreadscythe Harridans, and can be distinguished easily as they feature 4 arms instead of 2. They each feature graveyard detritus – pieces of rock, wrought iron – by which they attach to their bases.

This kit comes as 40 components, and is supplied with 10 Citadel 32mm Round bases.

Stormcast Eternals Evocators on Celestial Dracolines: $60

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Stormcast Eternals Evocators on Celestial Dracolines

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 3 Evocators on Celestial Dracolines. They are clad in Stormcast Eternals armour, with cloaks, tabards and ornate helms denoting their status as lightning-empowered shock troops of Sigmar. Dotted around their forms is the symbol of the Sacrosanct Chamber, the 3-marked anvil. Each wields a tempest blade and stormstave, with the option for 2 to carry a grandstave instead. The Dracolines they ride are large and fearsome, their forms incredibly dense and muscular; each of their 4 feline limbs ends in terrible claws, and their heads are squat and heavy. The Dracolines have little needs for armour, merely accessorised with a set of reins and saddle each.

1 of the models can optionally be assembled as a Lord-Arcanum, who has a specific head featuring no helmet faceplate (but still clad in a magnificent crest) and carries an aetherstave crackling with celestial magic. The other 2 miniatures are a male and female Evocator, who can be assembled with or without faceplates – these both feature options for assembly as Evocator-Primes, who feature a specific stormstave and lion-motif shoulder pad each.

This kit comes as 107 components, and is supplied with 3 Citadel 90mm Oval bases.

Lord-Ordinator: $35

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This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to build a Lord-Ordinator. He comes clad in impressively ornate sigmarite armour – slightly less than most Stormcast Eternals, as his arms are bare between the gauntlets and his lion-and-hammer-motif shoulder pads. He wears a large textured tabard over his chest plate, which extends to a cloak at the rear, held fast by a belt featuring engineering and siege equipment – guides, measuring devices and a ratchet/wrench mechanism hang from his hips. He is using an open box of tools as a footrest – this box features an anemometer. He wears no helmet – instead, we’re treated to a view of his glorious facial hair. Behind his head is an arcanabulum, and topping off the symbolism nicely is an anvil and pair of callipers on his belt. Weaponry-wise, he holds a huge astral grandhammer in his right hand, with his left hand holding the astrolabe which he is peering at with a stern, quizzical glare..

The Lord-Ordinator comes as 10 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 40mm Round base.

Necromunda Gang Leader’s Accessories Pack: $25

Necromunda Gang Leader’s Accessories Pack

Make the logistics of running games of Necromunda just that little bit easier with this set of handy gaming accessories. Markers for various statuses, cards detailing core scenarios for you to play, blank gang rosters – they’re all here. Included:

– A handy quick reference guide to Necromunda: Underhive, listing essential rules, round and phase sequences, along with all the core actions a fighter can perform;
– A pad of 50 blank gang rosters;
– 12 Scenario cards detailing the core scenarios from the Necromunda: Underhive boxed game, covering Zone Mortalis and Sector Mechanicus terrain;
– A sheet of double-sided tokens to indicate in-game effects and the status of fighters throughout a game. Includes:
– 13 loot markers;
– 8 general markers ;
– 6 web/intoxicated markers;
– 6 photon flash/concussion markers;
– 6 insanity markers;
– 6 gas/smoke markers;
– 8 revealed/hidden markers;
– 8 wound counters ;
– 8 ready/broken markers;
– A Graviton Pulse marker;
– A 40mm vision arc template.

Necromunda: Campaign Territory Cards: $15

Necromunda Campaign Territory Cards

The Necromunda Dominion campaign system is based around gangs fighting battles for control of territory. Possession of territories grants boons – income, special tactics, equipment or even recruits – to your gang. This set of cards describes 26 available territories, as outlined in Gang War 4, detailing their special rules and boons granted during games:

– 3 Van Saar territories;
– 3 Escher territories;
– 3 Cawdor territories;
– 3 Orlock territories;
– 3 Goliath territories;
– 3 Delaque territories;
– 8 territories usable by any gang.

Cawdor Gang Cards: $15

Get yours for less from Miniature Market

Cawdor Gang Cards

Cawdor Gang Cards

– 12 Cawdor Tactics cards, which are for the exclusive use of the Cawdor gang;
– 8 Gang Tactics cards, which can be used by any gang in Necromunda: Underhive;
– 6 blank Fighter cards – perfect for the Champions and Leaders in your gang deck, these have been stamped with the House Cawdor crest.

Cawdor Gang Dice: $12

Get yours for less from Miniature Market

Cawdor Gang Dice

Cawdor Gang Dice

Designed to match the Cawdor Gang from Necromunda: Underhive, this set of 8 16mm dice are coloured copper with teal swirls, and feature white numbers and icons. The set includes all the dice you need to play Necromunda:

– 3 D6, featuring the Cawdor House’s crest on the 6;
– 2 Necromunda Ammo Dice, with ammo check marker;
– 2 Necromunda Injury Dice, with results ranging from light injury, flesh wound and death;
– 1 Necromunda Scatter Die.

White Dwarf August 2018:

White Dwarf August 2018

That’s it for this week. We can’t wait to see what these new units bring to the tabletop.  But, enough about us. What do you think about these new releases?

Let us know over on our Facebook Hobbies Group and make sure you check back next week and see whats new from Games Workshop.