Available Now: Necron, Space Marines Wave 1 Releases

new-releases-warhammer-40k-use-me-now-wal-horWave one of Necron and Space Marines releases that were on pre-order last week is here, so don’t miss what is available to order now!

Check out the latest releases from Games Workshop that for the most part is out now on store shelves and available for delivery from online sellers as well!

Szarekh the Silent King

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games or Amazon!

silent king image


silent king sprue 1


silent king sprue 2This kit builds Szarekh, the Silent King and two Triarchal Menhirs. It is supplied in 155 plastic components and comes with 1x 100mm round base and 2x 50mm round bases.

Cantoptek Doomstalker

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games or Amazon!

Canoptek Doomstalker white


doomstalker sprue 1


doomstalker sprue 2This kit builds one Canoptek Doomstalker, and push-fit construction means you won’t need glue to build it. It is supplied in 14 plastic components and comes with a 90mm round base.

Lokhust Heavy Destroyer

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games or Amazon!

Lokhust Heavy Destroyers white


heavy destroyer sprueThis kit builds one Lokhust Heavy Destroyer. Push-fit construction means you won’t need any glue to build it, and the set comes with your choice of heads and deadly weapons. It is supplied in 33 plastic components and comes with a 60mm round base.

Primaris Chaplain on Bike

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games or Amazon!

primaris chapllain on bike

Primaris Invader ATV

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games or Amazon!

Invader ATV white


atv sprue 1


atv sprue 2This kit builds one Invader ATV. It is supplied with a choice of weapons and comes in 45 plastic components.

Firestrike Servo-Turret

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games or Amazon!

firestrike servo turret


firestrike turret sprueThis kit builds one Firestrike Servo-turret. It is supplied with a choice of weapons and comes in 28 plastic components. It comes with an 80mm round base.

Space Marine,  Necron Codex

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games or Amazon!

new 9th edition codexesInside each book, you’ll find everything other than the core rules that you’ll need to play the factions and extensive background information and lore.

Space Marine Datacards

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games or Amazon!

space marine datacardsThis pack contains the following datacards:

– 7x core Stratagems
– 34x Space Marine Stratagems
– 1x Smite psychic power
– 12x psychic power cards (6 each for the Librarius and Obscuration disciplines)
– 7x Litanies of Battle

Necron Datacards

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games or Amazon!

necron datacardsThis pack contains 62 datacards, divided as followed:

– 7x core Stratagem cards
– 40x Necron Stratagem cards
– 9x C’tan Power cards
– 6x Command Protocol cards

Will you be facing off in 40k with a buddy? Are you excited for these major releases?

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