Gundam Upgrade Bits For Primaris Space Marines!

By Tim Roberts | October 28th, 2019 | Categories: BITS, Tabletop Gaming Products, Warhammer 40k News

gundam space marine bits

This may be the conversion project you have been waiting for! Turn your Primaris Space Marines into Gundam Heroes with these bits!

If you are looking for something unique for your next Marine project check out this awesome Shapeways store!

Mark's Shop

Ground Gundam Squad Bitz for Space Marines: $25.83


Bits for converting your Space Marines into Ground Type Gundams!  Includes 10 shields, 5 V Fins, and 4 beam saber hands (2 right and 2 left).  Fits standard and Primaris Marines.

For more Gundam 40k parts, see my Gundam Bitz shop! 

Zaku Squad Bitz for Space Marines$30.00

Gundam Marines


Bits for converting your Space Marines into Zakus from Gundam!  Includes 10 heads (2 with antennae), 10 shoulder pads, and 10 shoulder shields. Fits standard space marines as well as Primaris.

For more Gundam 40k parts, see my Gundam Bitz shop!  

These bits will take your next Marine Squad or Kill Team project to the next level. Make sure you visit Mark’s Shop On Shapeways and secure your Gundam Bits today!
Also, be sure to check out Jack of Clubs Painting’s tutorial on them as well below: