Battle Report: Nanavati’s Thousand Suns vs Ultramarines

By Adam Lyons | August 16th, 2018 | Categories: Battle Reports, Warhammer 40k News

chaos bikers khorne

This week at Nights At The Game Table, Adam Lyons is going up against his toughest opponent yet: 4-time Adepticon winner Nick Nanavati, one of the most celebrated 40K strategists on the planet.

Nick’s Thousand Suns Chaos Marines and Adam’s Ultramarines are both out for blood in this Glory Seeker match, with each Army intending to cause as much destruction as possible to their foes (possibly even to the detriment of their own safety!)

Of course, if mayhem is the name of the game, both armies are more than prepared to dish out some ludicrous punishment. Nick is opting for two patrol detachments as, in his own words, “Command points are for p*ssies.” He’s leading the charge with Ahriman, the incredibly powerful chaos sorcerer, backed up by a Thousand Suns Prince and a full brigade of 40 cultists.

The other patrol is headed by the intimidating World Eaters Prince and aided by ten Khorne Berserkers noted for their hand-to-hand combat prowess, as well as a Rhino personnel carrier. Between the barrage of guns from the cultists and the formidable melee skills of the Berserkers, Nick’s army has a great chance to pincer in Adam’s forces.


However, anyone that knows Adam will NOT expect him to go down without a fight. Adam is bringing along a pair of massive Redemptor Dreadnoughts, counting on Nick’s lack of familiarity with them to give him an advantage.

Backing up this pair of juggernauts are three squads of Hellblasters, which will be laying down suppressive fire under the guidance of a Captain. With these shock troops charging in behind the massive assault cannons of the Dreadnoughts, Adam seems to stand a fair chance of bringing down this mad cult.


Nick begins his first turn by moving his World Eater Prince forward, flanked by the Rhino. He splits his forces, bringing his mob of cultists in to form a long string that spread out and take control of the board. His plan was to cast Warp Time, bringing in his forces to charge Adam and overwhelm him through pure numerical force as quickly as possible.

As Nick moves into his first turn, he starts off by casting Gaze of Fate, allowing him a free reroll at some point during the round. He follows this up with Warp Time, with his cultists spilling over the buildings to charge Adam’s army from every direction. He lashes out with a vicious barrage on Adam’s units, but their surprising toughness means that he only sustains a handful of losses.

space marines

For Adam’s first turn, he wastes no time in adapting to Nick’s aggressive strategy. His troops fall back, gaining some distance between the cultists engaging them in close combat. Adam instead focuses his shooting on Nick’s vehicles, intent on crippling them before they can get close enough to do any real damage. A withering barrage of fire takes down the Rhino, leaving Nick scrambling to move his remaining forces closer.

As the first round draws to a close, Adam seems to be evenly matched with one of the best Warhammer players on the planet. Will his luck and skill hold out through the rest of the game, or will Nick unleash a plan from his endless bag of tricks that will stop Adam’s Leviathans in their tracks?

Watch the episode below to find out!