RUMORS: Games Workshop Relaunching Battlefleet Gothic

Rumors Battlefleet Gothic Warhammer 40k

Rumor has it that Battlefleet Gothic is going back up for release soon, and yes, we have been hearing these same whispers for years, lol.

We’ve heard rumors for a long time now about the return of Battlefleet Gothic (or BFG), the space combat game from Games Workshop produced in the early 2000s. Now, it seems like the game could finally be making its triumphant return … again, maybe.

Obviously, these are all rumors at this point, so until GW confirms it 100%, these are still just rumors. With that in mind, let’s check out the latest! But it’s fun to speculate and think about your favorite games coming back.

RUMORS: Battlefleet Gothic Making a Return From Games Workshop

Here are the latest set of BFG rumors from Valrak.

battlefleet gothicWell, this rumor is a little sad for Warcry players. The rumors point to Warcry going away (which is the second time we’ve heard this) and Battlefleet Gothic taking its spot in the boxed games lineup.

However, that’s not confirmed, and they could just slot in another boxed game and keep Warcry around.

Next up, the rumors say it is in production, but we’re not really quite sure what stage. It seems like they have been producing rules and painting up models for some time now, as the game might be as close as late 2024 or early 2025. However, with how GW works, production takes so long that it could still be two to three years away.

Either way, it seems that the game is making some headway in the Games Workshop studio, and we might finally see it make a comeback!

Lastly, here (and then we’ll compare to the old rumors we’ve seen), the scale seems to be the same as previously (which could also mean we might see a return of many of the same ships).

We hope the game is set in 40k again, but there’s also a chance it’s another Horus Heresy-based game. That could be a huge misstep from GW, as Legions Imperialis seemed to make a ton of hobbyists uninterested when it excluded all Xenos and other “staple” 40k factions.

It also doesn’t seem like the game has been taking off quite like they had hoped from the retailers we polled, so it would be interesting to see what setting this game ends up in if it does indeed return…

Previous Battlefleet Gothic Rumors: (March 6th, 2023)

This set of rumors for Battlefleet Gothic came from Dakka Dakka

Battlefleet Gothic Warhammer Fest

Well… This rumor turned out not to be true at all, but it is still worth a look. There wasn’t much in the pipeline before the 10th edition for 40k (other than a few random minis), and both 40k and AoS had a hard time carrying Games Workshop through the summer, but alas, Gothic did not fly in, and there still seems to be another year or two to go.

Also, some commenters asked if the Specialist team has the time to make the game, but… we’ve heard the game is already done. Or maybe they just started working on it a year or two ago, which seems more likely at this point.

The Beginning of the Battlefleet Gothic Rumors

This comes from the Warhammer Official Instagram.


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First up, this garnered huge attention in early 2023, and maybe GW was dropping this to see how much interest is still left at this point. Or maybe they are just doing this to tease a big release down the road. Either way, at 23k likes and counting, at the time of writing this, it’s clear that BFG still has a ton of fans out there… 

According to an industry insider, a new Battlefleet Gothic miniatures game has been fully developed for a while now! However, due to delays due to the pandemic, shipping, logistics, etc., this has been put on the back burner for the past few big release cycles.

The word on the street is that BFG is just awaiting a release slot that syncs up with Games Workshop’s current pace of production and logistics.  With this little teaser, maybe GW has gotten enough out of the new product backlog out actually to release BFG in 2023 and is trying to forecast actual production numbers now!

Older Battlefleet Gothic Rumors:

When Warhammer Community posted a video on Facebook in 2019 showcasing its new “winged hammer” look, it mounted the new logo on a billboard full of other titles it supports and is currently in production. We’re talking about games like Warcry, Warhammer Underworlds, Titanicus, Kill Team, etc.

The video initially looks like a cool way to advertise their new “all-encompassing” Warhammer logo, but there may have been something more going on way back in 2019…

Of all those game logos, there were two that stood out like a sore thumb.

gw hiddenSee the Battlefleet Gothic sticker hidden in there? While this could have just been them talking about consolidating all of their lines, it could mean this has been in the works (that we know of) since April 8th, 2019…

The Golden Demon returned in 2022 at AdeptiCon, Epic made a comeback, and Blood Bowl got an update. So now perhaps it’s Mordheim and/or BFG’s time to shine again!

It’s always exciting to hear about the potential revival of a beloved game like Battlefleet Gothic. However, it’s important to keep in mind that these are just rumors, but sometimes speculating can be one of the best parts of the hobby!

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think about the latest new release rumors for Battlefleet Gothic?