Battleforces Return! GW’s New Holiday Bundle Deals REVEALED

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The new releases are out of the bag, as the return of the Battleforces are here! Come see the new bundle line up for both Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40k!


Tabletop Gaming Insiders have informed Spikey Bits these new sets will retail for $170, a savings of nearly $100 a box!


Chickout’s got the hot scoop this morning with a shot of the brand new Battleforces:


Space Wovles: Dread, 10 Grey Hunters, 5 Terminators, 5 Fenrisian Wolves, Wolf Head Flyer, Iron Priest: $276 
Deathwatch:  5 Bikes, 5 Terminators, 15 Deathwatch Kill Team, Razorback, Watch Commander: $282
Tau: 3 Stealth Suits, Ghostkeel, Devilfish, Broadside, 10 Pathfinders, Commander: $275
Adeptus Mechanicus: 2 Kastelan Robots + Priest, 3 Kataphron, 5 Electro Priest, 5 Infiltrators, Ironstrider. $263



Which breaks down to:

  • Space Wolves: Dread, 10 Grey Hunters, 5 Terminators, 5 Fenrisian Wolves, Wolf Head Flyer, Iron Priest: $276
  • Deathwatch:  5 Bikes, 5 Terminators, 15 Deathwatch Kill Team, Razorback, Watch Commander: $282
  • Tau: 3 Stealth Suits, Ghostkeel, Devilfish, Broadside, 10 Pathfinders, Commander: $275
  • Adeptus Mechanicus: 2 Kastelan Robots + Priest, 3 Kataphron, 5 Electro Priest, 5 Infiltrators, Ironstrider. $263

new age of sigmar battleforces

And the AoS Versions:

  • Stormcast – celestant prime, knight azyros, dracoth riders, 10 liberators. $285
  • Slyvaneth – drycha, treelord 6 kurnoth hunters, 10 tree revenants. $311
  • Ironjawz – megaboss, shaman, 10 brutes, 3 goregruntas, giant. $255.75
  • Khorne bloodbound- skar, 3 juggers, blood warriors, bloodreavers, wrathmongers.$287



What We Know:

It looks like GW is making a return to the old Battleforce offerings of the early 2000’s which retailed for around the same price of today’s start collecting sets ($90). Currently a search for Battleforce will yield this on Games Workshop site:

Dark Angels Battleforce $100


  • The New Battleforces Will Release on the 16th of December, just in time for the holidays!
  • There will be 8 total, four Age of Sigmar, and four Warhammer 40k
  • The 40k ones will consist of Two Astartes factions, (Space Wolves and Deathwatch), Ad Mech and Tau.

Now to be honest, just eyeballing the contents I’m their price point may very well be DOUBLE the start collecting sets, or perhaps at least $150 minimum. The $100 pricepoint of the current Dark Angels Battleforce appears to be “too low” for what you get listed above!


So looks like either way there are some deals on the way for sure! Just how much, and how many hobbyists will be able to buy is currently unclear at this time!  Overall this seems like another indicator that times are a changing at Games Workshop in 2016, and I for one am ready to welcome our new Hobby Overlords in 2017!

new magnus the red primarch

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