Best Free Warhammer 40k Army Roster 10th Edition Builder Apps

battlescribe-alterantives-ios-abandoned-program-40k-army-builders 40k list builder army creator army builder 2

Here’s the best free Warhammer 40k army list builder creator apps for 10th Edition; they are easy to use and updated like New Recruit 40k.

All The Truly Free 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Army List Builder Apps Guide

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If you’re tired of scribbling army lists on napkins, then you’re in for a treat. We’re diving into the realm of free army builder apps for the 10th Edition—yes, free, as in no more “I could’ve bought another Dreadnought with that money” moments. Click any of the links below to jump to the info you need the most, or just dig in from the beginning.

Introduction to Warhammer 40k Army List Builder Apps

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Why You Need an Army Builder App For Warhammer 40k

If you’re still manually scribbling lists on paper or trying to keep track of your units and points in your head, it’s time for a reality check. Here’s why you absolutely need an Army Builder app for your Warhammer 40k adventures. Remember that time you spent an entire afternoon piecing together your army list, only to realize you miscalculated points and had to start all over? Yeah, those days are over. Warhammer Army Builder apps like Battlescribe or New Recruit do all the number-crunching for you, ensuring you get your list right the first time.

The Rise of Free Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Army Builder Alternatives

But here’s the twist: not all heroes wear capes or come with a price tag. While the official Games Workshop 40k army creator app strutted onto the scene with a premium swagger, a band of scrappy, free alternatives has risen from the digital trenches. These apps, built by dedicated fans and tech wizards, offer you a cost-free way to build your armies.

Remember the old days of Battlescribe? Well, let’s just say it’s been sitting in the corner, gathering dust while the new kids on the block have been hitting the gym. These new free apps aren’t just alternatives; they’re contenders for the throne, ready to help you conquer the 10th Edition with ease and flair.

Detailed Comparisons & Features of Warhammer 40k Army List Builder Top Apps

Building an army can be as complex as a Necron’s morning routine, but fear not! Warhammer army builder programs are here to make life easier. These list and army builder tools will help you craft the perfect Warhammer 40k force without breaking a sweat (or a datasheet).

Let’s look at the pros and cons along with the specifics of these digital allies. Spoiler alert: some are more than just free, but they’re all game-changers, especially New Recruit!

Army BuilderProsCons
Warhammer Units
  • User-friendly, minimalist interface
  • Easy to navigate for both beginners and veterans
  • Clean and efficient list building
  • Last update in November 2023, currently in hiatus
  • Usability may decrease over time without updates
Phalanx Tools
  • Open-source project, allowing user contributions
  • Strong community involvement for feedback and development
  • Transparent and evolving with user input
  • Pre-alpha status, not fully developed
  • May lack features compared to more mature apps
New Recruit EU
  • Supports multiple game systems
  • Web-based with list backup options
  • Continuous support for Warhammer 40k 10th Edition
  • Compatible with data from Battlescribe
  • Requires internet access for full functionality
  • May not have the same depth as dedicated apps for other game systems
  • Exclusive to iOS, sleek and intuitive interface
  • Community-updated factions ensure accuracy
  • Supports multiple miniature games
  • iOS-only, not available on Android or PC
  • Unique data format, limiting compatibility with other tools
  • Cross-platform capabilities (PC, Mac, mobile)
  • Actively developed with a promising future
  • Ambitious features and user-friendly interface
  • Currently in closed beta, not widely available
  • Not yet fully operational or feature-complete
Warhammer 40k App (Battle Forge)
  • Official app from Games Workshop
  • Automatically flags mistakes in lists
  • Always updated with the latest rules and datasheets
  • Limited free functionality, as many features require a subscription
  • Only supports 40k, lacking versatility for other games
  • Tailored for Warhammer The Old World
  • Simple, easy-to-use web app
  • Includes key armies and magic items
  • Web-based only with a mobile-optimized interface
  • Still in development with limited unit rules available


Warhammer Units: Features and Benefits

warhammer-units-app-army-builder-10th-Edition-free Free Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Army Builder

Ease of Use

When it comes to user-friendly interfaces, Warhammer Units is like the IKEA of army builder apps—minimalist, efficient, and you won’t end up with leftover parts (or, in this case, extra points). Whether you’re a tech novice or a seasoned app user, you’ll find navigating through your army options as easy as rolling a six on a D6. The app’s clean layout ensures you won’t get lost in a labyrinth of menus, making the list-building process a breeze.

Updates and Community Feedback

Unfortunately, this builder’s last update was in November 2023, and in April 2024, the developer said it was not dead.

I’m not dead, I just landed on a much longer hiatus than I had planned, unfortunately. But I get that it’s basically unusable until everything has been updated again

Ever wished your favorite app would update as often as your favorite show releases new episodes? Warhammer Units delivers frequent updates that keep pace with the latest datasheets and rule changes. However, there’s a vibrant community on Discord that is ready to help you out and take your feedback. Think of it as the app’s own council of war, constantly strategizing to improve your user experience. Click here to check out the app!

Phalanx Tools: An Open-Source Project

Phalanx Tools

Pre-Alpha Status and Potential

Phalanx Tools is the ambitious underdog in our lineup, still in its pre-alpha phase but brimming with potential. It’s like that rookie recruit with raw talent waiting to be honed into a veteran warrior. Since it’s open-source, you can peek behind the curtain, suggest improvements, or even contribute if you’re code-savvy. This transparency ensures that it evolves with the needs of its users, promising a robust tool in the near future.

Community Involvement

What makes Phalanx Tools stand out as a 40k army creator app is its strong community involvement. It’s a collaborative effort where every user can play a part. If you’ve ever wanted to be more than just a user, here’s your chance to shape the future of an army builder app. Join the Discord, share your ideas, and watch as the app grows from a fledgling project into a seasoned tool of war. You can check it out by clicking here!

New Recruit EU: A Web-Based Solution for 40k

new recruit army builder app Battlescribe alternatives 2 Free Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Army Builder New Recruit

New Recruit has Compatibility with Multiple Game Systems

New Recruit EU is like the Swiss Army knife of 40k army creator builders—versatile and ready for any situation. Initially crafted for The 9th Age Fantasy Battles, it now supports multiple game systems, making it a one-stop shop for your tabletop needs. Whether you’re switching gears between games or sticking to Warhammer 40k, New Recruit EU has got your back.

Backup Options for Your Lists

Ever had your meticulously crafted army list vanish into the digital ether? With New Recruit EU, you can save and back up your lists, ensuring you’re always ready for battle. It’s like having a backup stash of ammo—essential and reassuring. Upload your lists, keep them safe, and access them from anywhere. Flexibility and security in one neat package. You can check out New Recruit by clicking here!

Quartermaster: The iOS Alternative


Community-Updated Factions

Quartermaster is the Apple of army builder apps, exclusive to iOS and tailored for the discerning tabletop general. While it doesn’t use the same data format as its counterparts, it compensates with a sleek, intuitive interface and a thriving community that keeps the factions updated. Imagine having a team of passionate gamers constantly refining and enhancing the app’s data—it’s like having an army of tech-savvy servitors working behind the scenes to ensure your lists are always accurate. If you’re an iOS user, Quartermaster could be your next best ally on the digital battlefield.

Unique Features and User Experience

Quartermaster doesn’t just look good; it performs like a well-oiled machine. The app offers a rich user experience with features designed to make army list building as smooth as possible. Need to tweak your list on the fly? No problem. The interface is responsive and user-friendly, allowing you to make adjustments with ease. Plus, the app supports a variety of tabletop miniature games, making it a versatile tool in your arsenal. It’s like having a multi-tool for your gaming needs, always ready to adapt and assist. You can check it out by clicking here!

Rosterizer: Cross-Platform Capabilities


Current Development Status

Rosterizer is like the new kid on the block, eager to prove itself and make a name in the world of 40k army creator army builder apps. Currently in active development and undergoing a closed beta, Rosterizer shows a lot of promise. The developers are hard at work, fine-tuning the app based on user feedback and ensuring it meets the high standards of the Warhammer 40k community. It’s like watching a rookie Space Marine grow into a battle-hardened veteran. Keep an eye on this one; it’s poised to become a formidable tool once it hits full release.

Future Potential

What sets Rosterizer apart is its ambition. This app aims to provide a rich, cross-platform editing experience, making it accessible to a wide range of users, whether they’re on PC, Mac, or mobile devices. It’s like a universal translator for your army lists, ensuring compatibility and ease of use across different platforms. The developers are committed to delivering a robust data authoring tool, meaning you can expect comprehensive features and a user-friendly interface. Once fully operational, Rosterizer could very well be the Swiss Army knife of army builder apps, offering versatility and convenience in one powerful package.  You can check it out by clicking here!

Warhammer 40k App: The Official Tool

GW BattleforgedFor those who prefer to stick with the official offerings, the free Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Army Builder App, also known as Battle Forge, is designed to work seamlessly with the latest edition of Warhammer 40,000. This app is like having a personal advisor who’s always up-to-date with the latest rules and datasheets. It provides an intuitive army planner where you can create armies for different game sizes: Incursion, Strike Force, and Onslaught (that’s 1,000, 2,000, and 3,000 points, respectively, for the uninitiated).


What sets Battle Forge apart is its ability to automatically flag mistakes in your loadouts or unit choices, saving you from potential headaches during gameplay. Plus, you can export your lists to share with friends or submit to events. The best part? Continuous updates to the datasheets mean you’re always in the loop without having to hunt down the latest changes. With only three-point levels to manage, the app makes it straightforward to keep your army within legal limits, ensuring you’re always ready for your next epic battle. You can check it out by clicking here!

Old World & Age of Sigmar Army Roster Builder App

warscroll builder battlescribe New Recruit

4th Edition AoS Warscroll Army Builder Builder App

The new Warhammer Age of Sigmar app is ready for a free download, and it’s a great sidekick for your battles. This nifty tool is your go-to for all the rules and includes Storm Forge (like Battle Forge in the 40k app), letting you customize your army lists to your heart’s content.

The app’s rules section is stacked with everything you need: Core Rules, Advanced Rules, free Faction Packs with all the goodies like battle traits, formations, heroic traits, artefacts, spells, prayers, manifestation lores, warscrolls, and the General’s Handbook 2024-25.

Plus, you get each faction’s Spearhead rules and the Spearhead Fire and Jade Battlepack. You can check it out by clicking here!

Oldworldbuilder: The Warhammer The Old World App

warhammer army builder the old world 40k army creator army builder Free Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Army Builder battlescribe New RecruitDon’t miss out on the newest addition to the army builder scene—Oldworldbuilder! This free app is tailor-made for Warhammer The Old World, letting you create and edit army lists on the go. It’s like having a portable command center right in your pocket. While it may not include all the unit rules, Oldworldbuilder excels in simplicity and functionality, making it super easy to build an army by points. Currently available as a mobile-optimized website, you can add it to your home screen as a web app, with plans for an Android app release once all army data is integrated.

Web App

The app already supports key functions like creating, editing, duplicating, deleting, exporting, and printing units and lists. With armies like Orcs & Goblins, Empire, and Dwarf included, complete with their magic items, Oldworldbuilder is the perfect companion for any Warhammer The Old World player. The developer, a dedicated Warhammer Fantasy player and front-end developer, created this tool out of a need for a user-friendly and cost-free alternative to the more complicated or expensive options available. So, if you’re looking to streamline your army building without breaking the bank, Oldworldbuilder is highly recommended. You can check it out by clicking here!

Common Issues with Popular 40k List Builder Apps & Their Solutions

The Downfall of Battlescribe

battlescribe-alterantives-ios-abandoned-program-40k-army-builders 40k army creator army builder Free Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Army Builder

Battlescribe, once the darling of the army builder community, has fallen from grace. Like a favorite band that stopped making new albums, it’s been stuck in a time warp. The lack of updates by the developer over the years means it’s missing out on all the cool new features and data from the latest editions. If you’re still clinging to Battlescribe, it’s time for an intervention. You need an app that keeps pace with the ever-evolving world of Warhammer 40k.

Developer’s Involvement and the 40k New Recruit Army Builder

To add insult to injury, the developer of Battlescribe has been MIA. It’s like waiting for a letter from a pen pal who’s forgotten you exist. Meanwhile, the dedicated data maintainers, who do all the heavy lifting to keep the app functional, aren’t seeing a dime.  So, if you’re still holding out hope, it might be time to move on to greener pastures.

If, for whatever reason, you are having troubles with the app, it appears the data the maintainers (not the developer) created for 10th edition 40k will also work with the New Recruit army builder app.

Battlescribe Back for 10th Edition Free Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Army BuilderAll you have to do is update the data (it should be two spots above 9th Edition in the add data section), and you can make rosters for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k!

battlescribe back for 10th Edition 2 40k list builder army creator army builder Free Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Army Builder

Battlescribe Back for 10th Edition 3 40k list builder army creator army builder Free Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Army BuilderYou can add everything like before, and it seems like they have the army composition reporting correct (to tell you what you’ve done wrong with the list). But the good news is that Battlescribe is still free; if you do subscribe, the money goes to the developer, though, whose interactions with the Warhammer 40k community have been less than stellar…

Advantages of Switching to New 40k List Builder Apps

Chapter Approved 2

Continuous Support and Updates

Switching to one of the newer 40k (such as New Recruit) Army creator apps means stepping into a world of continuous support and updates. Imagine a world where your app evolves with the game, always staying current with the latest rules and datasheets. These apps are like your tech-savvy friends who always have the latest gadgets and know all the shortcuts. Frequent updates mean fewer errors, more features, and a better gaming experience overall.

Community Feedback and Improvements

One of the coolest things about these new apps is their reliance on community feedback. It’s like being part of a giant think tank where your opinions actually matter. Found a bug? Have a suggestion? The developers are listening. This level of engagement ensures the app gets better and better, thanks to the collective wisdom of its users. So, ditch the old and embrace the new—your gaming experience will thank you.

Benefits of Using Free Army List Builder Apps for Warhammer 40k

super happy guardsman wal hor 40k army creator army builder New Recruit

Cost Savings

Let’s talk money. Warhammer 40k isn’t exactly a cheap hobby. Between buying miniatures, paints, rulebooks, and snacks for those long gaming sessions, your wallet takes a hit. So why spend extra on an army builder app? Free apps like Warhammer Units let you allocate your hard-earned cash where it really matters—like that new Primaris Lieutenant you’ve been eyeing. Saving money on the app means more funds for expanding your army and dominating the battlefield.

Access to Latest Rules and Datasheets

One of the major perks of these free 40k army creator apps is access to the latest rules and datasheets. Remember hunting down updates or printing out errata sheets? Those days are over. These apps are like having a personal librarian who always has the most current edition on hand. With real-time updates, you’re always playing with the latest rules, ensuring fair and balanced games. Plus, it saves you from potential embarrassment during a game when your opponent points out that your datasheet is outdated.

Enhanced Gaming Experience

Using these free apps enhances your gaming experience in ways you never thought possible. They streamline list building, reduce errors, and make managing your army a joy rather than a chore. It’s like upgrading from a horse-drawn carriage to a sleek sports car. The convenience, accuracy, and comprehensive features of these apps mean you can focus on what really matters: strategy, tactics, and crushing your foes with style.

What’s Next For The Warhammer 40k Army List & Roster, Recruit, & Builder Apps

size of the 40k primarchs cover of unremebered empire 40k army creatorIn Warhammer 40k, staying on top of your game requires the best tools, like a new recruit learning everything to stay on top. The new wave of free army builder apps and 40k army creator apps is a godsend, offering everything from ease of use to frequent updates, community feedback, and significant cost savings. Whether you’re a Warhammer veteran or a newcomer, these apps will enhance your gaming experience, keep you up to date with the latest rules, and ensure your army is always battle-ready.

So, why stick with outdated tools when you can embrace the future of army building? Try out these free army list and roster builder apps, like New Recruit, to take your Warhammer 40k 10th Edition game to the next level.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What is your favorite Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Army List Builder app, Battlescribe, New Recruit 40k, free or otherwise?

About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!