Best Sisters of Battle That Aren’t Games Workshop

By Rob Baer | September 27th, 2019 | Categories: Sisters of Battle, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Battle Sisters Wargame Exclusive

If you’re looking for some Sisters minis now, here are our picks for the top alternative Sisters of Battle miniatures to GW, in our latest roundup.

It’s getting close to release time for GW’s plastic Sisters of Battle line this fall, but if you want some minis now, or are looking for something different, these companies may be worth a try!

Sisters of Battle Resin Alternatives to GW: Wargame Exclusive

WGE Sisters Unboxing

These sisters are ready for battle! 2019 is the year of the Sisters of Battle and Wargame Exclusive has them in stock now. Take a look at these minis!

Need Sisters now? Over the Top Sisters Female Miniatures

Need Sisters now? Over the Top Sisters Female Miniatures Unbox & Build

Need Sisters now? Don’t miss out on some of the best lady miniatures out in the hobby market from Raging Heroes. These models are fantastically affordable.

Sisters & Marine Knight Upgrades: Legio Models Unboxing

Sisters & Marine Imperial Knight Upgrade Sets: Legio Models Unboxing

These Imperial Knight Upgrade sets are perfect for upgrading an existing plastic Knight to look just how you want it to complement your army.

Elrik’s Hobbies Flora De Leaf Bases: Review

elriks hobbies bases

Looking to spice up your models and have a unique ruined temple theme for your models? Take a look at the Flora de Leaf bases from Elrik’s Hobbies!

RUMORS: Sisters of Battle 40k Army Box Contents & Value

sisters of battle army box

If you’re dying to know what may be coming in the new Sisters of Battle 40k army box for this holiday season, you’ll definitely want to see this!

What do you think of all the alternate Sisters models out there? Have you tried any, or will be incorporating them into your plastic Sisters army in November?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!

Editor’s Note: When we publish articles like this we tend to get a lot of messages asking us why “XYZ” company wasn’t on this list, either by hobbyists who had used their products OR by the folks who owned those companies.  Just to be clear this is a list of folks I have personally worked with in the past or used their products so, for the most part, I can say without a doubt they “don’t suck”. 

That being said feel free to email us (support AT if you think we should take a look at a particular company or want to get your product into our hands for a promo or review.