Best Warhammer 40k Novel Collection Ever?

By Zeb Barrett | September 8th, 2016 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming Products, Warhammer 40k News

warhammer 40k hardback collection

This may be the best Warhammer 40k novel collection ever, and it is available for you to get your hands on! Start now and collect them all!

With a subscription you will get a new novel plus exclusive bonus content! If you are a true die hard fan of Warhammer then this is a hard one to pass up!

Note: For UK and Ireland residents only at this time!

Source: Warhammer 40k Legends

Each fortnight, receive a new novel plus exclusive bonus content, to build up an essential retrospective of the Warhammer 40,000 universe.

warhammer 40k hardback collection

warhammer 40k hardback collection

  • Includes world exclusive bonus content, with art prints, special features & much more
  • Curated selection of the best Warhammer 40,000 novels building up to a unique collection
  • Limited edition FREE gifts for subscribers

warhammer 40k hardback collection

Each novel has a brand new introduction that explores the importance of the story and its place in the Warhammer 40,000 Universe. Together, they build up into a fascinatiing collection that provides a unique insight into the 41st Millennium.

warhammer 40k hardback collection

 Unique Warhammer 40,000 Artwork. Stunning colour artwork from the grim 41st Millennium and its most epic battles.

warhammer 40k hardback collection

Trace the history of mankind from the Horus Heresy to its darkest hours in the 13th Black Crusade, captured together in this collection, the perfect reference for any devotee of Warhammer 40,000.

warhammer 40k hardback collection

All the essential information about a key character, faction or moment from the book, whether that’s the Warmaster Horus, creatures such as Orks, or locations such as the forges of Mars.

If you subscribe right now you will get a free issue and some free gifts. If that’s not enough for you, a premium subscription is also available that throws in six exclusive Warhammer 40k prints! This is probably the best offer/deal I have ever seen on 40k lore and any die hard fan would be hard pressed to pass this up! You can head over to Warhammer 40k Legends for more information and to start your subscription right away!