Between Logic & Emotion: Malkaan Feirros LORE

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Today we are going to take a look at an Iron Hands Marine that does things his way. Today we study the lore of Malkaan Feirros.

The mighty Iron Hands aren’t known for their emotions, but more for their machine-like battlefield prowess. Today we take a look at a Marine that follows his own path and has quite a stir along the way!

Via: Lexicanum

Ferrus ManusFeirros is considered a maverick by the Iron Council, as he continues to cling to emotion and refuses augmentation to purge it from his mind. To Feirros true wisdom lies in the balance between logic and emotion – a balance that Ferrus Manus himself was unable to achieve. The fact that Feirros continues to remain Master of the Forge despite these quasi-heretical beliefs is both a testament to his skill and his connections, for current elected Chapter Master Kardan Stronos was once the Iron Father’s pupil and continues to hold him in great respect.

Malkaan FeirrosThough Feirros does not seek to overthrow the Chapter’s long-held views, many within the Iron Council consider his influence corrupting. Nonetheless, Battle-Brothers revere him, and he continues to act as a counterbalance to the false solace of logic. If the Iron Hands had a soul, it would be Malkaan Feirros. Following the Skarvus Ambush, the Iron Council was poised to censure Clan Raukaan entirely, but it was Feirros who advocated that they be given a chance to prove themselves under new leadership.

Malkaan FeirrosUltimately Feirro’s old political foe Iron Father Kristos came to agree with him. He seized on Clan Raukaan’s fate as a chance to prove Feirros’ waning to the rest of the Iron Council – only to suffer apoplexy when it was decided that he himself, and not Feirros, would be responsible for reforging Raukaan from its battered shards. Too late, Kristos realized that Feirros had goaded him, subverting emotions he struggled to conceal in order to achieve his victory. As a result of Feirros’ actions, Kristos for the first time realized the value of emotion.

Iron Hands

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