Biggest NERFS: Space Marine Meta Chapters 40k Rules Rework

raven guard primaris walWant to get an idea of where the meta Chapters are going? Take a look at the latest Space Marine nerfs in the latest FAQ rules rework.

While every Space Marine Chapter got hit with the latest FAQ, some got hit harder than others. Looking at a zoomed-in few on a few top Chapters we’ve seen in the meta, here are some the biggest changes GW made with surgical precision.

Biggest NERFS: Space Marine Meta Chapters 40k Rules Rework

Space Marine FAQStarting off with the changes that affect EVERY Space Marine Chapter in the same way, Doctrines got a heavy rework. Now, you can’t sit in the same Doctrine all game. You’re forced to progress through the three Doctrine types until ultimately, you sit in the Assault Doctrine.

On that note, however, if you play something like the Raven Guard who’s Doctrine bonus is in the Tactical Doctrine, you can opt to stay in it for two turns if you wish. This is just a way of balancing out the game and pays you a little bit for having to wait for your rules to turn on.

We covered this in detail already so we’ll keep moving.

Another big point of change was the Duty Eternal Stratagem which no longer halves damage to Dreadnoughts, It reduces the damage by 1 point to a minimum of 1. Which is still very good. Especially with all the weapons in the meta that are focusing on wiping out Primaris. However, it’s especially brutal for Iron Hands as the immortal Dreadnought is essentially a thing of the past.

Cogitated Martyrdom

iron hands wal hor text Iron Hands took a massive nerf to the Stratagem Cogitated Martyrdom. With it only working for Infantry Characters, this is a worse version of the way Tau Drones work. Albeit, with all the Snipers running around in the meta it may still see play. But in terms of power scaling, it took a pretty big hit.

Raven Guard Can’t Move Centurions Anymore

Raven guard hor walRaven Guard was probably the most popular Chapter that would use Centurions. With multiple ways of getting these power armor fatty’s up to the frontline in no-time, GW saw that it was just putting too much pressure on the opponent. To change this, Master of Ambush got reworded to rule-out Centurions from the list of possible selections.

Now that might seem like a big hit, but the immediate contender we can think of will be the Aggressors. They still have access to flamers and with the +3″ Chapter Tactic for Successors, they could be a real nasty unit to deal with still. And while they lack a wound and a 2+ armor save, they’re also cheaper than Centurions.

With these changes taking place it’ll be interesting to watch how the meta shakes out for sure.

 With all these changes taken into account, do you think Marines will still be a top army in the meta? Did Chapters who thrive in the Assault Doctrine just become more potent? 

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