Bike Squads Revealed – GMM’s White Scars Army

By James Rodriguez | December 7th, 2016 | Categories: Army Showcase, GMM, Warhammer 40k News


Khan yells from atop his throne “Warriors of Chogoris! Brothers of the Great Tribe! The star hunt calls you, do you not hear it?”. 

Hello out there.  I am back with another project – this time some White Scars! wrath_of_khan_1This project originally started as a traditional Scars bike army.  Over time the client asked about adding some flavor, and after discussing it back and forth came up with what is before you today.  Something of a Space Wolf version of White Scars; bikers that are a bit feral and live on their bikes on some plateau planet.  Mongols in space.

 Throw in a palette throwback to Frazetta Conan paintings with orange and blue tones, a ton of conversion and bits and you have King Khan on his throne bike and some mean hunters on 41st century horseback.
 Both very happy with what is a relatively common army turned into something very unique.wrath_of_khan_001wrath_of_khan_005wrath_of_khan_010wrath_of_khan_012
Check us out tomorrow for the next post in this mini series. Same time, same place.
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