Black Library Has Split With Warhammer Digital & New Content

black library paperback

Games Workshop recently said there’s a lot of changes coming our way. Come find out the latest on the new Warhammer Digital.

Warhammer Community released an announcement that Black Library has split into 2 different pages. Let’s see what they had to say about Black Library & Warhammer Digital.

Warhammer Digital Header

Some very exciting news for fans of Black Library and of eBook rules and supplements, as Warhammer Digital gains its own website.

Until now, they have sat alongside each other on, though the Warhammer Digital range has expanded massively over the last few years, to the point where it was barely contained in its corner of the Black Library website. will still exist, of course, and will now concentrate on being the ultimate online Warhammer bookshop.

To celebrate the new websites, both sites will be hosting a variety of special offers for the next few weeks.

Warhammer Digital Site

For Black Library fans, these include a free short story for anyone subscribing to the Black Library newsletter, a free short story for anyone picking up ‘Fabius Bile – Primogenitor‘, loads of free wallpapers of great Black Library art, and great deals on 15 classic novels.

For Warhammer Digital fans, you can get a free painting guide (for a Genestealer Broodlord) if you sign up to the newsletter, and anyone spending over £20 will also get the eBook rules for the Knights: Renegade game.


It seems like Games Workshop is doing what they can to make the company more user friendly. If you’re just looking for something to put on your phone, tablet, or computer then there’s no need to fumble through everything on Black Library anymore.

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This seems to go along with some of the things that were said at the GW’s Private Adepticon Q&A Session last weekend:

A: Yes, having a GW official tool for list/ army building is in the works.

Q: Will we see a reduction in the amount of codecies and physical books needed to play 40k? Or,
will wee see a similar format to AoS?

A: While we don’t want to invalidate all books immediately, we do recognize the effects on the game
by having so many books and supplements. In the new edition we will reduce the physical
books needed. Look forward to the future.

Just head on over to Warhammer Digital and start shopping everything available for you electronic devices. In honor of the split of Warhammer Community both sites will be offering a variety of special offers, including a free short story, Black Library art, and discounts on 15 classic novels.

Be sure to head on over to Warhammer Digital and check out the new site.

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