Black Library New Books Coming in May!

kharn azrael chaos space marine heroes series 1 2 3New releases are on the way as Necromunda, 40k, Horus Heresy, and more are headlining the lore side of things in May from Black Library!

Since this social distancing thing happened, you might have started reading more Black Library books. If you’re running out of material and what something fresh, check out what’s releasing this month! You can find them now on Amazon, which is still shipping!

Keep tabs on your favorite factions and characters from the worlds of Warhammer with these new titles:

Vaults Of Obsidian (PB)

Vaults of ObsidianFor uncountable ages the Blackstone Fortress has kept its watchful silence. It patiently waits, willing those brave enough to gamble everything exploring its halls. Only the most determined of adventurers will return with riches – the unworthy are never seen again. But to many, the rewards far outweigh the risks.

Soulless Fury (PB)

soulless furyNo one knows murder like Mad Donna. Where she goes, death follows – she is a force of nature, leaving devastated settlements and shell casings in her wake. But even Necromunda has its limits for senseless, unsanctioned violence. Scrutinator Primus Servalen, armed with the personal seal of Lord Helmawr – to which no request can be denied and no door barred – is dispatched to bring the misbegotten scion of House Ulanti to justice, but first she has to track her down… and how do you find one murderer in amongst the bloodshed of the Underhive?

Elves (Warhammer Chronicles) (PB)

elvesFrom the Gemmell award-winning writer Graham McNeill comes a grand saga of magic, treachery and elves…

The elves are a mysterious and magical race, best on all sides by war. Blessed with exceptionally long life, but cursed by the mistakes of their ancestors, high elves and wood elves alike must defend their realms from those who would seek to destroy them.

Lion El’Jonson: Lord of the First (PB)

Lion el'jonsonEach primarch is an exemplary being, derived from the Emperor’s own genetic stock to embody a facet of His personality. Their powers are unfathomable, but only one of them is the First. Lion El’Jonson is the paragon of what it is to be a primarch. His Legion, pre-eminent for most of their long history, typify the virtues of temperance, pride, and martial excellency that the Lion embodies. They are the Emperor’s last line and final sanction. They are His Dark Angels.

Don’t forget you can pre-order your copy of the Daemonifuge or the Print on Demand Valdor books as well.   If you haven’t tried Audible yet you can use the free trial and listen to other Horus Heresy books on their dime.

LIMITED TIME- Valdor: Birth of the Imperium (The Horus Heresy)

Valdor Birth of the imperium hcConstantin Valdor. It is a name that brings forth images of heroism, honour and peerless duty. For it is he who commands the will of the Legio Custodes that most esteemed and dedicated cadre of elite warriors. He is the Emperor’s sword, His shield, His banner and he knows no equal. Clad in shining auramite, his fist clenched around the haft of his Guardian Spear, he is the bulwark against all enemies of the throne, within or without.

It’s being printed-on-demand currently so make sure you decide if you want this book!

Daemonifuge 20th Anniversary Edition

Ephrael Stern – Sister of Battle – Daemonifuge! Tainted soul or living weapon against the dark forces of Chaos? Under investigation by the Inquisition, Ephrael Stern and the Inquisitor Silas Hand must place their trust in each other as they embark on a dangerous quest to discover the origins of her power.

Warhammer 40k Monopoly Board Game

40k Monoply Spread

  • Take the infinite war to new levels in Monopoly Warhammer 40,000
  • Play as one of six iconic metal tokens representing key factions
  • Make your way around the board buying, selling and trading properties from the 41st Millennium
  • Includes custom tokens featuring Eldar Rune, Ork Choppa, Chaos Star, Space Marine Helmet, Necron Monolith, and Tyranid Ripper
  • 2-6 Players | Ages 13+ | 60+ Min Play Time

These upcoming releases are going to be a must-have for all you lore hounds out there. Score these titles today!

With all of these covered above, what Black Library Books will you be grabbing in April? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!

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