Blood Angels Are Here: New Rules Latest

blood angels hor wal

Come see the latest rules previews for all the new Psychics, Stratagems, Datasheets, Points and more for the Blood Angels.

This was a really busy couple of days for Blood Angels news and rumors. So enjoy our recap on the all the coverage you may have missed!

We got our first look at Blood Angels Content during the Warhammer TV stream on Twitch last Friday.

Here are the highlights of what Wade Pryce and Ceri revealed concerning the Blood Angels Codex.


Blood Angels Upon Wings Fire

  • Death Company has new stratagem that will apply to a character model that has succumbed to to the black rage before the battle and will allow to apply Death Company rules and traits to said character. Can be used on a character, chaplain, and lieutenants and not any Primaris.
  • Red Rampage Stratagem: allows you to add D3 to the Attack characteristic for a Blood Angel Character to charge that turn.
  • Blood Angel Terminator-specific Strat: Strike of the Archangels.Blood Angels Strike Of Archangels
  • Sanguinary Guard Stratagem: Behold the Golden Host – it extends the Death Mask aura to 12″.
  • You can have a Death Company Leader with the Death Visions of Sanguinius Stratagem.

Blood Angels Death Visions

  • Some Stratagems in the Blood Angels Codex come from the Space Marine Codex and there are 13 unique Stratagems.
  • Lucifer Pattern Engines Stratagem: Use before Advancing with a Blood Angels vehicle other than a Blood Angel Dreadnought or a flying vehicle, you can increase the movement of chosen vehicle by 6″ or D6 + 6 if you are a Baal Predator.
  • Vengeance for Sanguinius Stratagem: on a hit roll of 6+ against Heretic Astartes will generate an extra attack. When targeting Black Legion units, you generate an extra attack on a 4+.
  • Mephiston has access to Red Thirst.Blood Angels Red Thirst

New Units and Rules

  • New Codex discusses new Successor chapters and will allow to create one. They cannot use relics save for one that is made from the shard of Sanguinius’ sword.
  • The theme of this codex will be the introduction of Primaris Marines to the chapter and what this means for the revival of the Blood Angels chapter.
  • There is a new Blood Angels Primaris Lieutenant model, Lt. Tolmeron. No new Blood Angels models.
  • Unless there is a datasheet for it, special and unique characters cannot use a bike.
  • Blood Angels Dreadnoughts will have access to meltaguns.
  • Sanguinary Ancient has his own datasheet.
  • Terminator Ancient is now a character.

Blood Angels artwork

  • Death Company rules:  re-roll failed to hit roills for all units within 6″ of Sanguinary Guard units. Enemy units suffer -1 to Leadership when within 3″ of anyone wearing a Death Mask.
  • Lamenters have been brought up to date as have all Blood Angel successor chapters.
  • Centurions are not part of the Blood Angles forces. Some units that have been added are the Storm Talon Gunship and the Storm Hawk Interceptor.
  • Terminator Captain in Cataphractii Armor datasheet is now included in this codex.
  • Cataphractii and Tartaros Terminator armor are now included in the codex. They have a +4 invulnerable save. They can take double lightning claws. No Tartaros Captain option.
  • Assault Marine Troops are still listed as Fast Attack.
  • Lots of options for Blood Angel army lists with 77 datasheets to choose from.
  • Contemptor Dreadnoughts have been added to the Blood Angel unit selection.
  • Inferno pistols are now 9 points, down from 20. Hand Flamer is now 1 point, down from 8. Angelus Boltgun
  • Librarian Dreadnought is 130 points, down from 150. 80 points for a Furioso Dreadnought, down from 122.

Psychic, Relics, and Warlord TraitsBlood Angels Wings Of Sanguinius

  • Blood Angels Psychic Powers: Wings of Sanguinius is back. Unit can make a 12″ flying move in its Psychic phase.

Blood Angels Gift of Foresight

  • Blood Lance: pick a visible enemy model within 12″ and draw a line. Any models in the path can take damage with a warp charge of 6 and 5+ inflicts a mortal wound.

Blood Angels Veritas Vitae

  • Relics: The Archangel’s Shard – Strength is equal to the user. -3AP and 1 Damage. If attacking a Monster, you do D3 Damage, If the Monster is also a Demon, you D6 Damage.

Blood Angels Standard of Sacrifice

  • Artisan of War: add +1 damage to any weapon that you choose to use for your Warlord.Blood Angels Artisan of War
  • Warlord Traits: Speed of the Primarch – Your Warlord can fight first in the Fight phase, even if her did not charge.


  • More lore concerning the various Blood Angels Successor chapters is contained inside the codex.
  • The theme of this codex will be the introduction of Primaris Marines to the chapter and what this means for the revival of the Blood Angels chapter.
  • The codex is quite comprehensive and will have all applicable models, vehicles, and weapon options when it comes to datasheets. There are also many little changes to said datasheets.

Blood Angels cover hor wal

But it wasn’t just Games Workshop giving us a look inside the book…

Thanks to Winters SEO’s review, we now have more information regarding changes to points costs and datasheets; some new Stratagems that are unique to the Blood Angels, new psychic powers and changes to the existing ones, new Warlord Traits, and Relics.

The section below includes all the new information we have gathered from Winters’ review. To see our complete coverage, continue to scroll down.


  • Forlorn Fury Stratagem: For 2 CP, use this strat at the start of the battle but before the first turn has begun. You can move one of your Death Company units and even Advance as if it were the Movement phase. This stratagem can only be used once.
  • Descent of Angels Stratagem: For 2 CP, when a Blood Angels Jump Pack unit deepstrikes in, you can roll 3D6 to determine that unit’s Charge distance instead of 2D6

Warlord Traits (these apply to all unnamed characters as named characters have their own)

  • Soul Warden: You can attempt to resist one psychic power with your Warlord or one one more if your Warlord already has the capability of resisting.
  • Heroic Bearing: Friendly Blood Angels units auto-pass Morale checks if they are within 6″ of your Warlord.
  • Selfless Valor: Your Warlord can perform a Heroic Intervention if he is within 6″ on an enemy unit instead of 3″. If he does so, he can move 6″ instead of 3″.

Relics of Baal

  • Hammer of Baal: essentially a Thunder hammer that is not unwieldy.
  • The Angels Wing: Jump Pack Model only: you can re-roll failed Charge rolls for the bearer and your opponent cannot perform Overwatch against them.
  • Gallian’s Staff: Add +1 to bearer’s psychic test if when they attempt to manifest Smite. It has the same stats as a Force Staff.

mephiston blood angels

Psychic Powers

  • Blood Boil has been changed to having a 6″ range and being able to roll 2D6 if manifested.. If the roll exceeds the target’s Toughness characteristic, it suffers D3 mortal wounds. If the result of the 2D6 roll is more than double the target’s Toughness characteristic, it suffers an automatic 3 mortal wounds.
  • Shield of Sanguinius has been changed to have a +5 invulnerable save instead of a 4+ invulnerable save.
  • The Quickening: Warp Charge value of 7. If manifested add +3 to the Advance and Charge rolls made for the psyker and make D3 additional attacks with the psyker in the Fight phase until the next Psychic phase.

Points Costs & Datasheets Changes

  • Death Company and all named characters have had no points costs changes.
  • Librarian is now 88 points, down from 93.
  • Tech Marine is now 45 points, down from 58.
  • Baal Predator is now 100 points, down from 107
  • Stormraven Gunship is now 192 points, up from 172.
  • Whirlwind is now 70 points, down from 75.
  • Vindicator is now to 125 points, down from 135.
  • Sanguinary Guard’s power level rose to 12 from 10. They did drop to 20 points from 22.
  • Frag Cannon is now 34 points, up from 19.
  • Tycho has the Dead Man’s Hand close combat attack that is -2AP, 1 Damage.
  • Sanguinary Priests can take Jump Packs again. But there is no datasheet for Sanguinary Priest on bike.
  • Blood Talons for Furioso Dreadnoughts are now Strength 4 instead of x2, -2AP, and do a flat 3 Damage. You can re-roll failed hit and wound rolls with this weapon.

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  • Cataphractii and Tartaros Terminator armor are now included in the codex. They have a +4 invulnerable save. They can take double lightning claws. No Tartaros Captain option.
  • Blood Angel Terminator-specific Strat: Strike of the Archangels. *The image for this strat is below in our previous article.*
  • Sanguinary Guard Stratagem: Behold the Golden Host – it extends the Death Mask aura to 12″.
  • Assault Marine Troops are still listed as Fast Attack.
  • Lots of options for Blood Angel army lists with 77 datasheets to choose from.
  • You can have a Death Company Leader with the Death Visions of Sanguinius Stratagem. *The image for this strat is below in our previous article.*
  • Terminator Captain in Cataphractii Armor datasheet is now included in this codex.
  • Blood Angels Psychic Powers: Wings of Sanguinius is back. Unit can make a 12″ flying move in its Psychic phase. Blood Lance: pick a visible enemy model within 12″ and draw a line. Any models in the path can take damage with a warp charge of 6 and 5+ inflicts a mortal wound.


  • Contemptor Dreadnoughts have been added to the Blood Angel unit selection.
  • Some Stratagems in the Blood Angels Codex come from the Space Marine Codex and there are 13 unique Stratagems.
  • Lucifer Pattern Engines Stratagem: Use before Advancing with a Blood Angels vehicle other than a Blood Angel Dreadnought or a flying vehicle, you can increase the movement of chosen vehicle by 6″ or D6 + 6 if you are a Baal Predator.
  • Vengeance for Sanguinius Stratagem: on a hit roll of 6+ against Heretic Astartes will generate an extra attack. When targeting Black Legion units, you generate an extra attack on a 4+.
  • Relics: The Archangel’s Shard – Strength is equal to the user. -3AP and 1 Damage. If attacking a Monster, you do D3 Damage, If the Monster is also a Demon, you D6 Damage.
  • Warlord Traits: Speed of the Primarch – Your Warlord can fight first in the Fight phase, even if her did not charge.  Artisan of War: add +1 damage to any weapon that you choose to use for your Warlord.
  • Mephiston has access to Red Thirst.
  • Inferno pistols are now 9 points, down from 20. Hand Flamer is now 1 point, down from 8. Angelus Boltgun
  • Librarian Dreadnought is 130 points, down from 150. 80 points for a Furioso Dreadnought, down from 122.

Blood angels wal hor

  • New Codex discusses new Successor chapters and will allow to create one. They cannot use relics save for one that is made from the shard of Sanguinius’ sword.
  • More lore concerning the various Blood Angel Successor chapters is contained inside the codex.
  • The theme of this codex will be the introduction of Primaris Marines to the chapter and what this means for the revival of the Blood Angels chapter.
  • Death Company has new stratagem that will apply to a character model that has succumbed to to the black rage before the battle and will allow to apply Death Company rules and traits to said character. Can be used on a character, chaplain, and lieutenants and not any Primaris.
  • Red Rampage Stratagem: allows you to add D3 to the Attack characteristic for a Blood Angel Character to charge that turn.
  • There is a new Blood Angels Primaris Lieutenant model, Lt. Tolmeron. No new Blood Angels models.
  • Unless there is a datasheet for it, special and unique characters cannot use a bike.
  • The codex is quite comprehensive and will have all applicable models, vehicles, and weapon options when it comes to datasheets. There are also many little changes to said datasheets.
  • Blood Angels Dreadnoughts will have access to meltaguns.
  • Sanguinary Ancient has his own datasheet.
  • Terminator Ancient is now a character.
  • Death Company rules:  re-roll failed to hit rolls for all units within 6″ of Sanguinary Guard units. Enemy units suffer -1 to Leadership when within 3″ of anyone wearing a Death Mask.
  • Lamenters have been brought up to date as have all Blood Angel successor chapters.
  • Centurions are not part of the Blood Angels forces. Some units that have been added are the Stormtalon Gunship and the Stormhawk Interceptor.

There was so much content related to the Blood Angels codex over the weekend. We got a look at a ton of new rules from the Blood Angels codex including a look at new stratagems, Warlord Traits, and some updates for different minis.

Wow so much happened, did you blink and miss it? Looks like there are a ton of changes coming in the new Blood Angels codex, what are you looking forward to?


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