Blood Angels & Necrons: GW’s Diorama Showcase

necron diorama wal

Games Workshop updated their Necron vs. Blood Angels diorama a year ago around this time. Let’s check out how they completed this project!

Games Workshop posted their showcase of the latest diorama from the team awhile back. They’ve come a long way since their last table that these two factions were featured way back in 2015.

Take a look at all the angles on this (very large) piece of art!

The Tomb Awakens-2015 Diorama Showcase

Starting off, let’s check out their first diorama from 2015. This shows Blood Angels assaulting Necrons in a barren wasteland.

showcase 2015

A Stormraven is getting ripped from the sky by Obelisks while Scarabs burst from the ground right next to the Blood Angels.

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showcase 2015 3

This isn’t a bad diorama at all…but the team outdid themselves on their most recent update.

Siege of Khanoris- 2017 Diorama Showcase

They outdid themselves when they decided to update their old showcase with the new Primaris minis.

showcase 2017


showcase 2017 2

Bringing bright red Primaris into the picture assaulting a frozen Tomb World really allowed the colors to pop.

showcase 2017 3


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More dynamic poses were fielded across the entire showcase making the assault look like a freeze-frame action shot from a picture.

These large-scale dioramas are rare among hobbyists at home. Games Workshop let the community in on some secrets of how they pulled the buildings off.

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Plastic framing and foamboard were the backbones of the Necron buildings.

Above you can see one of the acrylic shapes being carefully measured up, so it can be clad with perfectly cut foamboard panels. The team had to go and buy a “back to school” maths set for a new protractor, to make sure they get all of the angles spot on!

Only a short while later, and the base of the board was filled with sheets of carefully cut foam, ready to be shaped and sculpted into terrain.

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The entire display itself is sitting on blue foam with minor plastic accent pieces like the archways and “statues” scattered about.

With the skeleton done, it all came down to intense hobbying. Painting the buildings, adding the snow and rocks, and placing the models in perfect positions to tell a story. What’s the biggest display piece you’ve ever done? Has this inspired you to make a diorama? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.