Blood Angels Relics & Psychic Powers SPOTTED

Blood Angels PsykerToday we’re getting a look at the new relics and psychic powers for the Blood Angels from the upcoming codex. Come check them out!

Scanner is at it again, and this time we’re getting a look at the new relics and psychic powers pages from the upcoming Blood Angels codex. Let’s take a look.


Blood Angels Relics

Checkout the other pages of rules that were posted over on our Facebook group for the new codex.

With six new relics to choose from Blood Angels players are definitely going to have plenty of options. The Hammer of Baal can replace a model’s thunder hammer, and it’s going to be Strength x2, -3 AP, and does 3 Damage. The Angel’s Wing will allow a Jump Pack model to re-roll failed charge rolls, and your opponent cannot fire Overwatch against them.

The other really nice relic they’ll be getting access to is the Standard of Sacrifice, it can be given to an Ancient model only. Each time a friendly Blood Angels Infantry or Blood Angels Biker model within 6″ of the bearer loses a wound roll a D6, on a 5+ the wound is ignored. But, models with the Black Rage ability are not affected.

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Psychic Powers

  • Quickening has a warp charge value of 7. If manifested you’ll be able to add 3 to Advance and Charge roll you make for the Psyker. Additionally, you’ll make D3 additional attacks with them in the Fight phase, until the start of your next Psychic phase.
  • Unleash Rage has a warp charge value of 6. If manifest you’ll select as friendly Blood Angels unit within 12″ of the Psyker. They will gain +1 to the Attacks characteristics until the start of your next Psychic phase.
  • Shield of Sanguinius has a warp charge value of 6. If manifested you’ll select a friendly Blood Angels unit within 12″. They will gain a 5+ invulnerable save until the start of your next Psychic phase.
  • Blood Run has a warp charge value of 6. If manifested you’ll select a visible enemy unit with 6″ of the Psyker and roll 2D6. If the roll total exceeds the highest Toughness characteristic in the target unit they suffer D3 mortal wounds. If the total is more than double that unit will instead suffer 3 mortal wounds.
  • The Blood Lance has a warp charge value of 6. If manifest you’ll select a visible enemy unit within 12″ and draw a line between them and the Psyker. For every model the center of the line passes over roll a D6, and on a 5+ that model’s unit suffers a mortal wound.
  • Wings of Sanguinius has a warp charge value of 5. If manifested your Psyker can immediately move as if it were your Movement phase. Until the start of your next Psychic phase their Move characteristic is increased to 12″, they gain the Fly keyword, and you can re-roll failed charge rolls for the Psyker.

The new relics and psychic powers really seem like they’re going to be a game changer for the Blood Angels, and we can’t wait to see how you’re going to use them.

Make sure your checking back in with us for the latest updates on the Blood Angels codex leading up to the release later this week.

Are you playing Blood Angels? Which relic and psychic power do you like the most? Let us know in the comments below.

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