BREAKING: Complete 40k Chapter Approved Points Changes

By Wesley Floyd | December 7th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Do not miss a first-hand look at all of the points changes for Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved 2018. There’s a lot to cover!

Chapter Approved has been at the top of the list in terms of rumors in the Warhammer community.

However, today we’ve finally got an inside look at the points changes coming to armies in 8th edition. Coming to us from multiple hobby Heroes on Reddit there looks to be at least 16 pages of Points changes for Warhammer 40k

Keep in mind the information is very scrambled on the pages. Take time and search through your army’s Changes. 

Chapter Approved 2018 Points Changes

It looks like whole datasheets may have entries in the book as well on pages 140-143.

note also that some points match the values found in the corresponding codex; some of those are provided to support the updated datasheets found later in the book, while others update point values that appeared in the last edition of CA

Coming from Merdrach and Cyberdagger on Reddit:

CA 2018 leak 1


CA 2018 leak 2


ca 2018 leak 16


CA 2018 leak 15


CA 2018 leak 3


CA 2018 leak 4


CA 2018 leak 5


CA 2018 leak 6


CA 2018 leak 17


CA 2018 leak 8


CA 2018 leak 10


CA 2018 leak 11


CA 2018 leak 14


CA 2018 leak 13

UPDATE: This page was sent to us showing the Forge World Knights, Tau, and Nid changes:

It’s going to take some time to digest and we couldn’t fit all of the information possible in one post. Make sure you head over to the Reddit forum to get the whole scoop on everything that’s changing.

Let’s check out a couple of the point changes breakdowns from a few users:

Adeptus Mechanicus Changes

From Off_da_Grid:

Cawl 240 -> 190

Fulgrite electropriests no change

Ballistarii 50 -> 40

Breachers 30 -> 20

Destroyers 30 -> 15

Dunecrawler 90 -> 70

Servitors 2 -> 5

Infiltrators 16 -> 12

Ruststalkers 15 -> 10

Tech Priest Dominus 115 -> 80

Tech Priest Enginseer 35 -> 30

Tyranid Changes

tyranid swarm More 40k Starter Boxes on the Way? New Rumors SPOTTED

From Caridor:

Broodlord: –47 points

Exocrine: – 46 points

Harpy: – 16 points

Haruspex: – 28 points

Hive Crone: – 18 points

Lictor: – 11 points

Maleceptor: –12 points

Neurothrope: +20 points (because reasons?)

Pyrovores: –13 points

Tervigon: –45 points

Toxicrene: –17 points

Tyranid Prime: –30 points (I guess this is their cheap HQ choice now)

Tyrannocyte: –28 points

Tyrannofex: –30 points

Deathleaper: –30 points

Red Terror: –25 points

Swarmlord: –50 points

Heavy Venom Cannon: –7 points

Trygon claws: –20 points

Stranglethorn: –10 points

Venom Cannon: –8 points

Imperial Guard Changes

Astra Militarum

From Trickstick:

4pt Guardsmen

5pt Veterans

25pt cheaper tank commanders

half price demolisher cannons

lots of vehicles are cheaper, like 10pts off armoured sentinels and 15 off chimera/hydra

Artemia pattern hellhound cannon up 20 points (same price as a Hellhound.) But still does 2 damage and blows up on 4+.

Side Note: We’re not exactly sure if 1pt more is fair to give +1 BS for Guardsmen Vets. But we’ll have to see how everything else compares on the tabletop.

Space Marine Changes

space marine wal GW Puts Too Much Value on a 3+ Save in Warhammer 40k

All HQs look to be in a better position. (almost ALL characters went down about 1/4 their base points.)

Commander Dante only costs 175 pts.

Blood Angel Death Company Dreads cost 80 pts.

Regular Dreads cost 60 pts.

Terminators cost 23 pts.

Intercessors cost 17 pts.

Grey Knights Changes

6 Ways GW Can Make Grey Knights Great Again

Castellan Crowe costs 80 pts.

Draigo costs 180 pts

Grey Knight Terminators cost 39 pts base.

Paladins are now 47 pts. (That’s still a hefty chunk of points but sit at three wounds with a 2+ save.)

Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight cost 170pts base.

Chaos Changes


Great Unclean One (cheapest variant) at 275 pts.

Rotigus at 285 pts.

Skarbrand now costs 330 pts. Cheaper than a Land Raider at the beginning of 8th edition (lol).

Bel’akor costs 240 pts.

Death Guard Daemon Prince now costs 170 pts. while CSM Daemon Prince costs 180. 

These are some serious changes across the board. If you play a faction that wasn’t touched on too much, make sure you head over to the Reddit thread and explore your own changes. There’s about to be a ton of bricks hitting the meta.

This could completely refresh and reinvigorate players to get back on the tabletop with their models. What do you think about these point changes? Do you agree/disagree with some? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.