BREAKING Female Commissar Model Coming To Stores Next Week

By Rob Baer | February 11th, 2019 | Categories: Imperial Guard, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Severina Raine female commissar

Guard players you will not want to miss this! It looks like Severina Raine, the new female commissar model, will be coming to all stores next week.

We all knew that Severina Raine was on the way this month, but perhaps no one could have guess that she would be available in a limited quantity from stores world wide as well!

Here is what we know about the new female Commissar model from Warhammer Community:

Severina Raine- Female Commissar

On the 23rd and 24th of February, Warhammer and Games Workshop stores across the world will be hosting their annual Black Library Celebration. It’ll be a weekend of adrenaline-fuelled fiction, with stores running events that retell stories from the novels. And, of course, there are going to be loads of new books, CDs and other goodies to pick up…

female commissar severina raine

This fantastic model is your chance to add this devout Imperial hero to your collection. Her Black Library-themed box includes rules for using the resin miniature in your Astra Militarum army – and February’s White Dwarf will include the rules for using her as your Commander in games of Kill Team as well!

The Raine miniature is based on the cover art for a new novel also coming for the Celebration, Rachel Harrison’s debut novel Honourbound.

female commisar 90s

GW’s Female Commissar from the ’90s

One of these goodies, obviously being Severina Raine, a female Commissar model! The model concept itself is not new, but it is getting a welcome design and production update. Severina Raine herself is coming stock with her own 40k rules as she’s completely usable in your Astra Militarum force.

On top of that, in February’s White Dwarf, she had rules for use as a Kill Team Commander inside.

Now according to multiple retail sources from around the globe she will be limited to three per store, and available at most game stores including Games Workshop ones, worldwide next Saturday.

Her cost will be $35 and she will be a Finecast box set.

Severina Raine female commissar

So it looks like she will be similar to the Sly Marbo release the we saw on Boxing day a few years ago, but be available to most game stores around the globe!

What do you think about the new Female Commissar model? Can you think of what 40k rules she might have?

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