BREAKING: Forge World Adjusts Adeptus Custodes Rules

Custodes Caladius new rules forge world warhammer 40k

The fix is in! Forge World just updated ALL the Adeptus Custodes Datasheets for official use in Warhammer 8th Edition. They aren’t Beta anymore…

Forge World dropped the announcement that the 30k-style units that can be used in 40k are no longer in beta. Through playtesting and seeing the results on the tabletop, they tweaked and finalized that rules.

The 30k-era models of the Adeptus Custodes are no longer beta. With that said, there have also been some pretty heavy changes. Check out the highlights.

custodes change

Adeptus Custodes Biggest Changes

Sagittarum Guard Upgrade Set

“New” Troop Choices

custodes troops

Starting off, the Custodian Guard with Adrasite/pyrithite spears are no longer elites. They were moved into the Troops section along with the Sagittarum Custodes- which used to be Heavy Support. That’s two new Troops options added to the army overnight!

The Custodes Adrasite spear also dropped 1 pt per model and lost the mortal wound kickback. (Squad of 3 now costs 156 pts).

Also, Sagittarum guns dropped 5 points each (new cost 10 pts) making a squad of 3 cost 140 pts.

Caladius Grav Tank

caladius 2


caladius update

As for the meta-bruising Caladius, the Iliastus Accelerator cannon got bumped down to S7 and only 2 damage a pop now. Does the Blaze Cannon look like the better option now with a new longer range and spicy damage potential?

The Caladius also went up in points to a base cost of +20 (now costs 120 pts base.) So the version everyone has been running lately, overall went up 10 points and lost some damage potential.

Telemon Heavy Dreadnought

telemon big


telemon stat updated

For the Telemon, its storm cannon was bumped down to S8 instead of S9 and has a 36″ range now. Definitely worth mentioning as he will be -1 to hit if he moves…

Telemon fists also cost 20 pts for a single and 30 pts for a pair.

The Telemon storm cannon also went up 5 pts costing 45 pts per gun.

Other Notable Changes

custode wal

Some other changes are:

  • Venatarii Custodes dropped 8 pts a model (down to 40 pts).
  • The Orion Dropship jumped up 40 pts base now costing 320 pts.
  • Aquillon Terminators shot up 5 pts per model (costing 65 pts base).

All in all, some huge changes were made. Caladiuses might have fallen off their high horse (or at least need the other weapon to remain competitive) and the army as a whole got two new Troops choices! What do you think about these changes overall?

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About the Author: Wesley Floyd

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Wesley Floyd

Job Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018

Socials: @RealmbrushPainting

About Wesley Floyd: Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He is known for his satirist takes on trending topics and imaginative yet amazingly affordable hobby solutions to painting Warhammer miniatures.

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4.  If you like what he writes and want to contact him or have your tabletop minatures painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.