BREAKING: GW Previews 8th Edition 40k Charge Phase

Charge Wal HorGames Workshop just gave us a rundown on how the Charge phase is going to work in the new 8th edition of Warhammer 40k.Warhammer Community just revealed the new Charge phase, let’s see what they had to say.

The basic mechanics of this phase are very similar to how they work now. You can select any unit with 12″ as the target of your charge, and your units will move towards them 2D6″.

Enemy units still have a chance to hit the charging unit with overwatch, provided that they are not already in combat. Just as in the current edition, overwatch is a hit on a flat 6 – all pretty familiar so far.

New 40k Charge Art Hor

In the current Warhammer 40,000, you need to reach base contact. In the new edition, though, you only need to come within 1″ of an enemy, which in practice means that compared to the current charge range, you get an extra inch.

You also can’t move within 1″ of an enemy you didn’t declare as the target of your charge, so if you want to engage multiple units, you’ll need to brave the overwatch fire of all of them. Overwatch can also be fired multiple times per phase, but as soon as the unit is engaged, they will no longer be able to fire back.

So not much is changing in the Charge phase. You only need to land within 1″ of the enemy, so you’re actually getting a free inch on your charge. Overwatch is going to be the most obvious changes though. It can now be fired multiple times per phase, and if you want to engage multiple units you have to overwatch fire all of them. Is this going to change your strategy up?

Check back with us tomorrow when they reveal the Fight phase, melee combat in 40k. How much will they be changing there?

What are your thoughts on the Charge phase? Let us know in the comments below.

8thLatest from Games Workshop