BREAKING – New Deathwatch Starter Box Contents

By Rob Baer | August 1st, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

deathwatch-logo RUMORS - Deathwatch Codex Coming Soon!

Holy cow it’s a new 40k starter set! Checkout this new Deathwatch stater box set that is coming our way this week!

Source: Scanner

This weeks new items:
Death Watch Starter box
208 pg 40k Rulebook with special Death Watch Cover

1 Watch Captain Artemis
5 Deathwatch Veterans
5 Vanguard Veterans
1 Deathwatch Upgrade Sprue

1 Eldrad Ultran
12 Harlequin Players
1 Death Jester
1 Voidweaver
2 Skyweavers
1 Harlequin transfer sheet.

And a Deathwatch Codex (sold sep)

Wow so at full retail let’s break that down:

1 Watch Captain Artemis $33?
5 Deathwatch Veterans  (Sternguard Vets? $50)
5 Vanguard Veterans $40
1 Deathwatch Upgrade Sprue $15?

1 Eldrad Ultran  $40? (Two Sprue Clampack format?)
12 Harlequin Players $40
1 Death Jester $26
1 Voidweaver $41
2 Skyweavers  $40
1 Harlequin transfer sheet.

Rulebook $40?

(update: may contain a Venerable Dreadnought as well) $46

That’s nearly a $400 retail value at known pricing structures!

cassisus deathwatch

Here’s What We Know About The New Deathwatch:

Via Games Workshop (Facebook) 7-31-2016

GW dropped a video sunday showcasing what looks to a new Codex for Warhammer 40k that will be go on order next week:


deathwatch title image


Eldar making an appearance as well?


Deathwatch Drop Pod?

It this the return of the Movie Marines? Will Ordo Xenos be on the way soon? Why do these rumors seem to conflict now?

Looks like we may have a little while longer to wait, just remember your salt on all of these folks!

New Deathwatch Rumor Roundup

Notify your local watch command….