BREAKING: PETA’s Response to Games Workshop is Here!

By James Rodriguez | February 28th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

leman russ H&SPETA’s recent request to remove fur from Warhammer did not go over as smooth as they would have wanted, but they’re back with a response.

Now don’t get it twisted, we’re not saying that the mission of PETA isn’t warranted as a whole, cruelty to animals is definitely not a laughing matter, and there’s still a lot of work for PETA to do across the globe.. But it doesn’t have a place in OUR hobby! This is our hobby safe space, and do we honestly need a company like PETA to come in and make a lot more out of something that isn’t even an issue to begin with.

While we appreciate that they are fictional, draping them in what looks like a replica of a dead animal sends the message that wearing fur is acceptable – when, in fact, it has no more place in 2017 than it would in the year 40,000.

Our very own Rob Baer has been around the Warhammer Community, and played in tournament after tournament, for several decades. Has he seen hordes of people showing up in to events with fur on?

No, that’s not what our hobby is about, this is what we use to escape for a couple hours, play a game with our friends, and not have to worry about anything else.

In case you missed it this is the press release they sent to our editor, Rob Baer.peta1

This was his reply to Ms. Jordan.

peta 2

Rob literally said “All the best with your publicity stunt.”, and we know The Long War team is a very literal group. This whole thing is just a major publicity stunt! To prove it, this is what the PETA UK director had to say to the Yorkshire Press about this campaign to ban plastic fur.

Elisa Allen, PETA UK director said: “We’ll sleep a little more easily tonight knowing that we’ve managed to get a quarter of a million people to visit PETA.org.uk in the days since we sent our letter, because – whatever their reason for doing so – they’ll now know more about the cruelty behind fur.”

Are you kidding me right now?! Congratulations, you got a quarter of a million people to come to your site, how much did that help your cause? Were the majority of the people that went to the site pleased? If you read the comments to a recent post a good 95% are negative.

Tomas Phillips commented on January 30, 2017 at 3:08 pm

This is nonsensical.. Warhammer 40,000 is set in a post apocalyptic universe where different forces overcome a complete lack of manufacturing capability through various means, to say that seeing 10ft high men wearing 2 tonnes of armour normalises anything is beyond unrealistic; it’s delusional

Nils Jørgen Helgø commented on January 30, 2017 at 3:01 pm

You do realise that warhammer 40k is a fictional universe that has no bearing on real life. Just like video game violence has time and time again been proven to not cause real life violence.

Blue Nerd commented on January 30, 2017 at 2:57 pm

This is a world that is completely full of war where people will literally kill a whole planet, and they wouldn’t wear rare fur pelts to show riches? PETA get your priorities straight and deal with real animals.

How much money and time was wasted just to get a quarter million people to your website PETA?

Where could that time have been spent to actually make progress in the fight against animal cruelty?

Show us all the pictures of Warhammer players running around in real (or even fake) fur at these events, and then tell us how your argument that attacking our hobby makes it acceptable is still valid.

Warhammer Tournament

SSSSSOOOOOO much fur in the picture above… Or none at all, maybe some hairy people, but no fur draped across their shoulders. Warhammer players are serious about their hobby and will not be bullied by a company trying to take the fun out of a game. There’s more fur running around the Beats Lab, and the Spikey Bits Twitch stream than there is in this ENTIRE room of people. It’s no secret that MBG is a fan of the kitties…

Rob Andre

It seems like PETA accomplished their goal, not to remove plastic fur, but to get a major influx to their website.

Maybe you should go after the companies that are making real fur items, the people that buy the items, and the rest of the dark side of society that thinks it’s alright to torture and starve animals in an effort to gain a profit. NOT a company that is putting molded fur on their plastic models, and groups of people just trying to play a game.

Or an even better idea than going after a fictional universe, go after the polyester fur company that makes the fake fur that people are wearing (that is also technically saving lives of animals because it’s not real fur). But your right PETA, it does look a lot more realistic than what I can do with a paint brush on a 3 inch mini.

What are your thoughts? Better yet, why is this even still a topic of conversation? When is PETA going to realize this isn’t a community that can be bullied?

Watch out Khorne, you’re next, there has been way too much blood spilled for the Blood God, it’s cruelty to fictional people. Someone get the Red Cross on the phone….

how to fur cloak

More About Fur

About the Author: James Rodriguez

I’m a huge fan of anything tabletop. I play strictly Chaos in Warhammer, and Imperial in anything Star Wars. I spent 8 years in the military. Now I’m happy to be a civilian working with a great group of people.
“We are all tyrants. Do not fool yourself. We were bred for nothing else.”