BREAKING: Yvraine, Eldar’s Last Hope & Her Abilities!

By James Rodriguez | February 7th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Yvraine Rules

Today Games Workshop is giving us a closer look at Yvraine, the Emissary of Ynnead. Come check out the latest video on this ferocious warrior and prophet.

All week Games Workshop will be taking a closer look at the new Heroes of the Triumvirate of Ynnead. Today is Yvraine, the Daughter of Shades. Yvraine

Yvraine is probably one of the most intriguing back stories we’ve heard so far. She is known as the Slayer of Biel-Tan, she has been called both savior and a destroyer, the doom of a Craftworld.

Yvraine H&S

She is the high priestess of Ynnead, ultimately his prophet, going around spreading the word of this new God who has yet to reach his full strength. The Ynnari is a new faction, and they are the followers of Ynnead, trying to find an escape from the wrath of Slaanesh, believing they’ve found their it in Yvraine.

Yvraine Sword of Sorrows

Yvraine has walked the path of the warrior and the warlock. She carries with her the Cronesword Kha-Vir, the Sword of Sorrows, which turns its victims to a soulless ash.

All Eldar can be bound together in this new faction, the Ynnari, but they lose all native rules, and gain a new rule Strength from Death. Yvraine has a Soul Burst special, if a unit dies near anyone of the Ynarri, they get to make an additional action. So if a unit near her kills an enemy unit they get an additional run, charge, or attack action. Yvraine is also amazing in a fight. She was once a gladiator and is extremely fast and has a very high weapon skill because of it. She has a psychic mastery of 2, so she has a bunch of powers at her disposal. She uses the Revenant Psychic Discipline, ranging from soul sapping power all the way up to the Gaze of Ynnead, which is pretty much an inescapable death that ignores cover.

With Yvraine and The Visarch covered, the only one left is Ynnead which we can expect to see sometime throughout the week.


Triumvirate of the Ynnead

More on the Triumvirate of Ynnead