Buff Up Your Imperial Agents With New Assassins From HeresyLab!

assassins heresylabThese four new Assassins miniatures from HeresyLab make for some of the coolest Imperial Agents alternatives!

If you want your minis to stand out on the tabletop, these might just be perfect! These are an excellent upgrade from their initial release of the assassins, and it’s nice to see them continue to expand the line. They all come with some fascinating little dioramas, making them that much better. Plus, with all the updated rules from GW, you might as well grab some minis and get your forces on point.

This is just one of their many projects, as Heresylab constantly pumps out new stuff. It seems crazy just how much they can produce! 

Let’s take a closer look at the new miniatures cast in fine resin.

Carpazia: $17.95

Assassins HeresyLabIt’s pretty obvious what this would be an alternative for, and if you ask us, this is so much cooler than the original! If you need something to separate your Imperial army, this could be just the thing.

Serek Predator: $17.95

Assassins HeresyLab 2This might be your best choice when you need to spread some horror across the battlefield! Plus, this is holding someone’s spine, so what’s not to love?

Jasiene: $17.95

Assassins HeresyLab 3This assassin is the way to go for those looking just to eradicate the enemy with all the force possible!

Janet: $17.95

Assassins HeresyLab 4Last but not least! Sometimes you need someone with a bit of finesse and a whole lot of skill to get the job done right! Or, instead of picking between them, you might as well grab one of each and have all your assassins in one buy!

If you love Heresy Lab, see what else they have to offer. That does it for this one; now go get some really cool minis!

Click Here to Get Your New Assassins From HeresyLab!