Buy Painted Channel’s May Be Back After Eight Years!

Buy Painted is Back 2Buy Painted is back after a long hiatus from the Miniatures hobby, and it’s fantastic to see such a good content creator back in the scene!

If you remember Buy Painted from back in the day, he created fantastic painting tutorials, but so much more than that! He was one of the first content creators on YouTube to show some of the shady business practices of Games Workshop from even back then when they were going through a ton of changes.

His older tutorials still really stand up to what’s out there today, so if you have any models that are a little older and need some love, you should go back and see if you can find something to help your hobby!

Buy Painted Channel’s May Be Back After Eight Years!

Buy Painted is BackUnfortunately, he left eight years ago after being unable to sustain himself selling and painting Games Workshop products. At some point, he alleges, GW sent him a message saying they wouldn’t sell him products the same as before, which meant the end sustainability for his store and channel.

He has a family, and once GW notified him about the changes to his account, it seemed that he had to switch careers and leave the hobby. It was unfortunate to see him leave, but it’s understandable when you can’t make enough money to get by.

Most people think YouTubers make a ton of money, but this is an excellent example of how hard it can be to make a miniatures hobby like Warhammer a career. With ad revenue at all-time lows, this time around, Buy Painted is going to make a Patreon, where you can support and get more content, which will hopefully keep him going!

He has been thinking about getting the channel going again for about a year, so this is some time in the making. 

There are a few main reasons he’s getting back into it. But maybe most importantly, his son is getting to the age where he is fascinated by miniatures, which is a huge motivation to do most of anything! Without your support, he won’t be able to really get back to the miniatures space, unfortunately.

So, if you want to see more of his content, be sure to support him when he starts up a Patreon!

If you want to see an interesting series of videos on how Games Workshop was running thier business eight years ago, be sure to check out his Vlog series detailing his visit with GW!

Click Here to Follow Buy Painted’s YouTube!

Are you excited to see Buy Painted back in action? 

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