Cairn Wraith of Khorne Conversion

Greetings fellow wargamers!

A few months ago the conversion bug bit me and bit me hard.  I had purchased the FW Blood Slaughterer of Khorne on ebay, which comes with several extra bits.

I thought about using them on a Daemon Prince or Helbrute, but I wanted to do something a bit more grande and original.

Recently I had been experimenting with the WFB Cairn Wraith figure, and I really like the hunched over look of the wraith.  I also loved the motley robes.

Also being a fan of the Greater Brass Scorpion of Khorne, where the souls of the damned are literally intertwined within the cables of the machine . . . an idea struck me.  Perhaps I could come up with something new.

Hence this beastie was born.  I’m not sure what I might could this thing as.  Perhaps a Daemon Prince, or a Greater Daemon.  Maybe a hellbrute with two close combat weapons.  But regardless of which, There’s something vile about the figure I really like.  It’s bio-mechanical look, with leering faces poking out from behind the ruined robes that barely cover it’s writhing form . .  it’s just the right kind of creepy to me.

For the torso I started with something simple .  . like a small ball.  Then I used a heat gun to warm up some spare lasher tendrils I had lying around.  I wrapped these around the ball, to get a basic ‘torso’ shape.  I then sprinkled in some spare crypt horror bits I had in my box to create the overly large leering faces.

Using a combo of grey stuff and plastic cloaks/capes, I created the funerary shrouds that cover the beastie.  This was also a great way to conceal the joins for the arms and lower tail section.

When painted up, I imagine giving this thing a sort of etheral quality, like a ghost or spectre, fading from green at the bottom to red at the top.  Stay tuned for painted pictures!  I think with some interesting base features, this could really be a nice center piece for a Chaos army or a Daemons army.

My name is Caleb and I am the owner and operator of White Metal Games.  WMG is a miniature painting studio operating out of Raleigh, NC.  We also offer consignment, conversion, and terrain making as services.  Check out our site here!