Can Necrons Even Die to Fire? – New Eagle Ordinary

By Richard McKey | November 23rd, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Web Comic

burn-it-compressedTalon takes a swing at this weeks unknown hostile entity! Straight into the fray! That’s Talon.

Well, after a little convincing. Discretion is the better part of valor, after all…

We have some changes coming your way! Our website is getting an overhaul, and we’re going to include a forum to host some online 40k role playing. It’s going to be a lot of fun, so if you’re interested, check back here for the launch update!


Did you sign up for Adepticon yet? Registration for Adepticon 2017 is live, and we’ll be there! Our illustrator will be running a cosplay tutorial demo, and we’ll be running around on the floor in full Cadian battle rattle! Who knows, we might get up to a little more than just handing out mini-comics this year (though we’ll likely do some more of that too!).

Keep up with us on our Facebook page! Eagle Ordinary Facebook Page


Visit for back Issues -Eagle Ordniary Comic Page.

See you next time, Ordinaries!