Chaos Blood Rider Biker From Wargame Exclusive

Chaos blood rider featureWargame Exclusive is giving Chaos players some love with the new Chaos Blood Rider Biker, take that Imperial scum!

The hobby maniacs at Wargame Exclusive are always pumping out awesome alternative minis and we love to see it. The newest release looks great and gives you a really cool alternative and in our opinion are much cooler than what’s out there now.

Sometimes the world is just not that fair, and the 40k Universe is definitely not at all! But Wargame Exclusive is tipping the scales back in favor of Chaos with these awesome bikers. If you like to play the blood-crazed maniacs of the grimdark (the Chaos ones, not the Blood Angels), then you need to check this out. Let’s get into it.

Chaos Blood Rider Biker: 34.99

Chaos blood rider 2It’s going to ride down every enemy! The detail on this is just insane. If you love Wargame Exclusive, check out what else they have going on.


Chaos blood rider

If this doesn’t take your army to the next level we’re not sure what will! The amount of detail on every inch will be fun to paint.


Chaos blood rider 4The exhaust on this thing looks like it will destroy most atmospheres just on its own, not to mention the extremely frightening marine riding atop it! They have thought about every little detail possible with this mini! We can’t wait to see how you guys paint some of these up. Even just in its unpainted form, it looks incredible.

Chaos blood rider 3Rev those engines up and ride over your poor enemy in the next game! They’ll only be sad for a little because at least it’s happening to a cool unit.

That does it for this one! Just a really cool mini to add to your collection.

Get Your Chaos Blood Rider Biker Here!