Chaos Cultist to Ministorum Priest – Conversion Corner

sisters imperial priest - Copy (2)

They say you cant teach an old cultist new tricks, but for this conversion you can do just that! Come see a great looking Cultists turned Imperial priest conversion!


A box of Chaos Cultists can be put to good use as they have great conversion potential. I wanted to make some primaris psykers and ministorum priests. This Ministorum Priest was created using the model pictured in the bottom left of the box photo. It took a great bit of chopping, green stuff, and bits, but here it is.

Ministorum Priest

The robe, rope, censer, book and purity seals are all green stuff. The pole is styrene rod, the pointed bottom is cut from a disposable glue applicator the top is made from two Forgeworld Inquisition icons. The head is from Maxmini.

Additional details on the rest of the conversion can be found at The Artist of War.

About the Author: Chris Porche

Less a wargamer and more a modeler, I’ve been painting miniatures and models of various scales and manufacturers for over 20 years. I prefer sci-fi/fantasy and just don’t feel right leaving a model free from a bit of customization and conversion.