Chaos Death Guard & Primaris Rules Datasheets Spotted!

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If you’ve been craving the rules for Death Guard and Primaris Space Marines that are coming in the Dark Imperium starter set you will not want to miss this!

Warhammer Fest has already had a lot of great information put out, and the new 8th edition Datasheets are an added bonus!

Warhammer Community posted the new 8th Edition Datasheets that were revealed at Warhammer Fest, some we’ve already seen, but some that haven’t been seen before. Let’s take a look at what the 8th edition starter units hold for us.

8th Edition Demo Game Table

We’ve already shown a few of these, earlier in the week, but here are the datasheets for all the models on the demo pods:

Death Guard

DG_BlightDrone_Datasheet DG_LordOfContagion_Datasheet DG_PlagueMarines_Datasheet DG_Poxwalkers_Datasheet


SM_CaptainGravis_Datasheet SM_Helblaster_Datasheet SM_Inceptor_Datasheet SM_Intercessor_Datasheet

By now there’s enough information that you could start running a couple small test games with all the basics of 8th Edition. This was a huge piece of information dropped on us with most of the Datasheets now available for the new 8th Edition Starter.

What do you think about the new Datasheets? Do you think the stats and abilities are going to make for fun and equally matched games? Let us know in the comments below.

Keep it locked here for more all day, and checkout all the pictures from the event below:

Warhammer Fest Banner

Warhammer Fest Round-Up