Chaos Getting Their Own Primaris Sized Models Now!

Looks like Chaos is getting their own bigger and badder “primaris” type units now in the latest preview from Warhammer Community.  Don’t miss the latest!

Warhammer Community previewed even more Chaos support showing a named character and a brand new unit on the table. Vorash Soulflayer and the Greater Possessed!

Chaos Gets Their Primaris: Greater Possessed

greater possessed

…Greater Possessed – the largest, strongest and most fearsome of their kind. Fellow Daemonkin look upon these deformed champions with great reverence, for they are living proof of the ultimate ascension that awaits them all.

rumor engine claw

Rumor Engine confirming Greater Possessed!

The Possessed are exactly what it sounds like. They are Space Marines who have been completely taken over by a Warp creature. While the models are cool, they’ve proven themselves to not be worth their points on the tabletop. With that said, could the Greater Possessed units pull their weight?

While we only have one actual picture of the Greater Possessed model, we’re thinking that he’ll be bigger, have another wound, and maybe hit a little harder. (Essentially what the Primaris are to normal Space Marines). Our hope is that, unlike the Primaris, these guys are actually worth their points. Keep your eyes peeled for their statlines in the future!

Vorash Soulflayer: The Master of Possessions Gets a Name Change

Vorash Soulflayer is every bit the occult arch-magister. In battle, he drifts forwards upon invisible waves of raw power, his horned skull helm sweeping the battlefield for suitable hosts to drag screaming back to the Forge Infernus for possession. He strikes down the unworthy with his baleful staff or simply immolates them with his malefic power.


We’ve been seeing previews on this model for a while now. His official title is the Vorash Soulflayer, Master of Possessions. He specializes in fusing Warp creatures with mortal flesh and has been conducting these abominations on Nemendghast (The planet where Shadowspear takes place).

What does that mean on the tabletop? Well, we’re guessing he’ll have some kind of psychic powers and rules to help buff his new Greater Possessed friends.

Wait, did he just get an unexpected name change?

master of possessions

In one of the first previews we saw just after the Shadowspear cover art was revealed, a picture and quote from the Master of Possessions emerged. However, his name was Hyasphus Kul. What Possessed (pun intended) GW to change his name beats us. However, it’s a change definitely worth noting.

Games Workshop is definitely dragging these previews out as we get closer and closer to the release of all the Chaos support (We’re guessing something around the first part of March). What are your thoughts on the Greater Possessed? Do you think they’ll just be an overcosted version of the vanilla Possessed? Will Vorash give off an aura buffing all of the new Daemonkin units?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.