Chaos Goes Undefeated Again: Top 3 40k Lists Wet Coast GT

chaos wal lord discordant

Chaos is crushing it! Three more lists made it to the top at the Wet Coast Warhammer 40k GT, and two Chaos lists went undefeated even!

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we’re able to look back on all the tournaments that have happened and take a look at the details as if we were there.

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Looking at the Wet Coast GT, this event had nearly one-hundred people show up to throw down on the tabletop down in British Columbia. If these lists managed to power through almost one-hundred other armies on the leaderboards, you know they are solid. So with that, let’s move into 3rd place.

3rd Place: Eldar- John-Paul Mawet


The Eldar rolled in with a soup list capitalizing on windriders and their Aeldari flyer shenanigans.

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A smaller Dark Eldar battalion was taken for the CP and Agents of Vect strat. This one wasn’t bare bones like most other battalions, however. This player through in three whole Ravagers with disintegrator cannons…to you know..disintegrate stuff. As for the real meat of the fighting force, two Crimson Exarchs (the ones that can pivot again after moving) were thrown in with some Hemlock Wraithfighters.

The Exarchs are basically able to deny the enemy from deepstriking in a certain portion of the map. As long as a player has two, they can move where the other plane once was and pivot, setting them up to move back to the other plane’s spot next turn. You’ve got a constant bubble that your opponent can’t do anything about until he shoots one down. Meanwhile, the Exarchs just applied some early-game pressure. As for the ground force, the Ravagers we talked about earlier were helped out by a ton of windriders. These guys are the fast biker units that the Aeldari have at their disposal and this player brought them all!

2nd Place: Chaos Daemons- Matthew Towes


Chaos Daemons placed exceptionally high once again. Despite being a 99% melee army, they know how to lay down the heat.

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This list brought along pure Daemons. Starting off with the classic Plaguebearer package, this player brought it along for nigh unkillable screens and fantastic objective grabbers that just don’t come up from the table.

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A Second battalion of Nurglings was taken to get those objectives that are a bit further up the table. They can infiltrate and Plaguebearers are slow so it just makes sense. As for the real heavy hitters, there’s a Daemon Prince and Magnus himself coming in to do the cleanup.

1st Place: Chaos- Jim Vesal

Chaos Daemons

Jim V takes down another major event. Hot on the heels of Adepticon, Wet Coast has fallen to his Daemons as well! This is another classic list we’ve seen before. Daemons from all shapes and sizes with a sprinkling of Heretic Astartes does the heart good.

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Like the other list, this player brought the Plaguebearer package for the CP and the sheer toughness of 60 Plaguebearers.

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Where this list really starts to take a new direction is in the second battalion detachment. This detachment had a Daemon Prince, a Bloodletter bomb, and some Horrors all rolled up into one hateful battalion. Bloodletter bombs are an older 8th edition tactic but have proven themselves worthy of being an archetype in Daemon lists. They can mulch through screens or kill off a few elite things if the other player extends too far out from safety.

Finally, a supreme command detachment was taken with two Daemon Princes, Ahriman, and a Sorcerer in Terminator armor. What do all these guys have in common? They’re all Psykers! Do you want to talk about some serious mortal wound spam? These guys brought it. Ahriman being a normal Astartes-sized character, he can’t be targetted unless he’s closest so he was able to machine gun out some psychic powers like nobody’s business from behind a wall of Plaguebearers. To top everything off, a mobile gun platform of C-Beam cannons was brought along for just a little extra punch. Great job coming in first!

What do you think about these lists? Has the meta steadily shifted to Chaos Daemons and Dark Eldar flyer spam again? Let us know what you think in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group. 

About the Author: Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd headshotJob Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018


About Wesley Floyd: Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He is known for his satirist takes on trending topics and imaginative yet amazingly affordable hobby solutions to painting Warhammer miniatures.

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4.  If you like what he writes and want to contact him or have your tabletop minatures painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.