Chaos Lust Rider Biker From Wargame Exclusive

chaos lust rider wargames exclusiveWhy do the loyal marines get all the new minis? Wargame Exclusive is giving Chaos players some love with the new Lust Rider Biker!

Sometimes the world is just not that fair, and the 40k Universe is definitely not at all! But Wargame Exclusive is tipping the scale back in favor of Chaos with these awesome bikers. If you play Emperors’ Children and don’t feel like converting a bunch of bikers, these are the way to go!

The hobby maniacs at Wargame Exclusive are always pumping out awesome alternative minis! These Lust Riders are so perfectly themed it might be a sin! Let’s jump into these awesome minis!

Chaos Lust Rider: €34.99

Lust Rider FrontIt’s going to ride down every enemy! The detail on this is just insane. If you love Wargame Exclusive, check out what else they have going on.

Chaos Lust Rider 3Plenty of speakers in the back blaring whatever death metal we imagine the riders listen to.

Lust Rider Right SideIf this doesn’t take your army to the next level we’re not sure what will!

Chaos Lust Rider2The wheels have growths of their own to help these bikers get over any terrain with ease. We can only imagine what this monstrosity sounds like as it roars across the battlefield.

Chaos Lust Rider BackThe bike is powered by the rider’s favorite Daemonette. This is the strangest way to take a passenger along for the ride we’ve ever seen!

Chaos Lust Rider FeatureThey have thought about every little detail possible with this mini! We can’t wait to see how you guys paint some of these up. Even just in their unpainted for they look incredible.

That does it for this insane mini. If you’ve been looking for some Slaanesh bikers, these are basically perfect. They can make for a centerpiece for your army and be more than just another unit. Don’t sleep on this and bring the pain in 9th!

Slaanesh Bikers – Chaos Lust Rider

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