Chaos Vs. Ultramarines – Forge World Diorama

battle for calth forge world

New pictures went up on Sunday of the amazing 10′ x 20′ display at Warhammer World. Come see one of the best wargames diorama ever made.

First of a big kudos to Battle Bunnies and Recalcitrant Daze and all the various forum posters for covering the event for the hobby. You guys brought the hobby to the rest of us that would not be there!

Via Recalcitrant Daze

Due to the bright, continually changing lighting getting pictures was at times difficult.

If in doubt the best way to take out a Warhound is to stwat it with a Drop Pod…

Bloodletters, a lot of Bloodletters.

Checkout all the amazing pictures from the event below!

Warhammer World Roundup