Characteristic Tests & Strength D: More Things To Change in 8th?

By Gothmog | April 26th, 2017 | Categories: Editorials, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

8th Edition

8th Edition is on its way! Come take a look at more of what may need to change in the new edition of Warhammer 40k that will be here sooner than later.

Editor’s Note: This 4 part series was written before GW’s big announcement of 8th edition.

#2- Characteristic tests the same as the Ballistic Skill

Okay this one ended up being really simple, unlike whatever happened in the first one above.
Flip it so failures are the low number and use a chart like the Ballistic Skill. Real simple, low bad and high good, and now it’s like pretty much every kind of single dice roll in 40k. Plus now if you have a high profile you get to use it, so unlike now when your tough 6 six legged abomination he rolls a 6 he will catch a cold and die. He will probably still catch a cold and die, but he and all his loved ones will feel like he had a chance to pull through.

#3- D and Stomp

Another simple one. Make it so it just says you can look out sir the hits and pretty much just modify the 6s on the charts. Change the D chart to be like….

  • “1” – is squat, you suck at life, and who gave you this weapon?
  • “2-5” –  cause d3 wounds to a model at str 10 or cause a Penetrating hit that does d3 hull points.
  • “6” – cause 3 wounds to a model at str 10 or cause a Penetrating hit that does 3 hull points, both with ignore saves.

(additionally you could remove Str from the chart and IDK move it to the profile like normal, and then you can vary the str based on the weapon)

The Stomp chart, still uses D3 small blasts to determine the number of hits, but ……

  • “1” – is squat, you suck at life, and who gave you feet?
  • “2-5” –  hits at str 6 ap 4
  • “6” – hits cause 3 wounds to a model at str 10 or cause a Penetrating hit that does 3 hull points, both with ignore saves.

Part 3 coming soon!

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