Cheap ‘N Easy- Chaos Cultists Conversions

Hey there, I’m a new writer so I figured I’d introduce myself first. I go by the name Moron, you might have seen me around on some other websites and forums.

I have been playing tabletop games on and off for 8 years and I love this hobby. I like everything about it, the painting, modeling, and the strategical aspects of this game, so expect anything and everything from me.

Ok, onto the real topic of today’s post. Chaos Cultists! GW has some nice models that came with the DV starter box, and they even have brought out a little box of cultists. I love the sculpts, but I was looking for something different for my army. So I have set out to make my own cultists via kitbashing and converting.

A few things that you need to make sure of if you want to kitbash your own cultists:
1. They need to be about the right size. (model proportions and base size)
2. The weapons need to be close to WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get).
3. Get a backstory that explains why your cultists look like . . . .

I want cultists to fit into my thousand sons army, so they need to be Egyptian themed and I found the perfect models from the fantasy world: tomb king skeleton warriors. They are the same size as the cultists, I’ve got plenty extra of the round bases for them. I’ll do conversions for the right weapons.

The biggest thing is the backstory. Why are the thousand sons supported by a bunch of re-animated skeletons? Answer: dark Magic has brought them back to life and under control of a Chaos Sorcerer.

So here is what I did to bring the skeleton warriors from the fantasy world to the 40k world.
Using bits from the skeleton warriors box and leftover bits from a chaos space marines box, I was able to finish a squad of 16 cultists (way cheaper than the bits from the Dark Vengeance Box OR the new Chaos Cultist small box)!

Some cultists got a simple hand weapon and pistol. The only extra stuff this required was fitting the pistol onto the skeleton hands. (I used bolt pistols which are a little big, if you have extra IG laspistols, I’m sure those would work even better).

To mix things up (and because I ran out of pistols) you’ll have to get creative with the converting. Some of the warriors got two hand weapons or one big weapon, and then I added a backpack with a pistol holster to represent the pistol+CC weapon.
Some bits I pulled from the Chaos SM box that look like pouches, are perfect for a backpack on a skeleton. Use a little roll of green stuff as a strap to hold it on to him and done! skeleton with a pistol on his back.

So mix things up and you’ll get a unique set of skeleton cultists for your Chaos army to push around.
You don’t have to use skeletons, explore around and you can find lots of different options to start your cultists hordes.

Vampire counts have good skeletons to use if you like those bits better. They also have zombies which are perfect for all you sons of Papa Nurgle. The Beastmen Ungors could be the start of a particularly evil and corrupted group of cultists. Just use your imagination and have fun and you could have a unique horde of cultists.


Great idea I think, and it’s perfect for a lot of chaos themes as well. Anyone else remember these from Jason and the Argonauts? -MBG